Are you a fan of any videogames who loves to collect images that we call decks? Then welcome to Sidequest TCG, an online TCG that focuses on different videogames from various consoles. We currently have 979 active decks (+111 upcoming) with 41 active players (+1 pending). It was established on February 16, 2021 and it is currently maintained by saya. Interested? Please visit the about page for more information!


Cards : Released


Series Deckname Color Main Family #/$
13 Sentinels 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim
Brown Peru 20/1
Avengers Academy Avengers Academy
Blue MediumBlue 20/1
Ace Attorney Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth
Pink PaleVioletRed 20/1
Ace Attorney Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Blue MediumBlue 20/1
Ace Attorney Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice for All
Brown Goldenrod 20/1
Ace Attorney Phoenix Wright: Dual Destinies
Gray/Black LightGray 20/1
Ace Attorney Phoenix Wright: Spirit of Justice
Cyan Teal 20/1
Ace Attorney Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations
Brown Sienna 20/1
Ace Attorney The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures
Brown SaddleBrown 20/1
Assassin's Creed Assassin's Creed Liberation
Gray/Black LightSlateGray 20/1
Assassin's Creed Assassin's Creed Odyssey
Blue LightSteelBlue 20/1
Assassin's Creed Assassin's Creed Origins
Brown Wheat 20/1
Assassin's Creed Assassin's Creed Syndicate
Gray/Black SlateGray 20/1
Assassin's Creed Assassin's Creed II
Red DarkRed 20/1
Animal Crossing Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Green LimeGreen 20/1
Animal Crossing Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Green OliveDrab 20/1
Animal Crossing Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp
Red IndianRed 20/1
Ape Escape Ape Escape
Blue MediumBlue 20/1
AI The Somnium Files AI: The Somnium Files
Red Crimson 20/1
Alice Alice: Madness Returns
Brown Maroon 20/1
Alien Alien: Isolation
Green OliveDrab 20/1
A Little to the Left A Little to the Left
Brown NavajoWhite 20/1
Age of Wonders Age of Wonders 4
Purple/Violet/Magenta SlateBlue 20/1
Arknights Arknights
Gray/Black DimGray 20/1
Atelier Atelier Rorora: Alechmist of Arland
Pink LightPink 20/1
Atelier Atelier Ryza 2: Lost Legends & the Secret Fairy
Red DarkSalmon 20/1
Atelier Atelier Ryza 3: Alchemist of the End & the Secret Key
Blue DeepSkyBlue 20/1
Atelier Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & The Secret Hideout
Brown Brown 20/1
Black Book Black Book
Gray/Black Black 20/1
Bravely Default Bravely Default
Cyan LightSeaGreen 20/1
Boyfriend Dungeon Boyfriend Dungeon
Pink MediumVioletRed 20/1
Baldur's Gate Baldur's Gate II
Brown SaddleBrown 20/1
Baldur's Gate Baldur's Gate 3
Brown Maroon 20/1
BioShock Bioshock Infinite
Brown SaddleBrown 20/1
BioShock BioShock 1
Gray/Black DarkSlateGray 20/1
BioShock BioShock 2
Green DarkOliveGreen 20/1
Bloodborne Bloodborne
Green SeaGreen 20/1
Bloodstained Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
Red Firebrick 20/1
Borderlands Borderlands
Red DarkRed 20/1
Borderlands Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel!
Blue DarkBlue 20/1
Borderlands Borderlands 2
Yellow Gold 20/1
Borderlands Borderlands 3
Blue RoyalBlue 20/1
Bramble The Mountain King Bramble: The Mountain King
Green DarkGreen 20/1
Beat Saber Beat Saber
Blue SteelBlue 20/1
Castlevania Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow
Blue MidnightBlue 20/1
Castlevania Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
Gray/Black DimGray 20/1
Castlevania Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Gray/Black Black 20/1
Camp Buddy Camp Buddy
Brown Sienna 20/1
Chrono Cross Chrono Cross
Blue CornflowerBlue 20/1
Cardcaptor Sakura Cardcaptor Sakura: Memory Key
Pink LightPink 20/1
Cozy Grove Cozy Grove
Brown SandyBrown 20/1
Commander Keen Keen Dreams
Green YellowGreen 20/1
Call of Duty Modern Warfare II Remake
Green LimeGreen 20/1
Child of Light Child of Light
Gray/Black Silver 20/1
CookieRun CookieRun: OvenBreak
Pink PaleVioletRed 20/1
Coromon Coromon
Orange Orange 20/1
Cult of the Lamb Cult of the Lamb
Red Crimson 20/1
Children of Zodiarcs Children of Zodiarcs
Cyan LightSeaGreen 20/1
Croc Croc 2
Brown Peru 20/1
Carmen Sandiego Carmen Sandiego's Great Chase Through Time
Red Red 20/1
Coffee Talk Coffee Talk
Brown Burlywood 20/1
Chrono Trigger Chrono Trigger
Blue MidnightBlue 20/1
Dragon Age Dragon Age Inquisition
Green LimeGreen 20/1
Dragon Age Dragon Age II
Brown Maroon 20/1
Danganronpa Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony
Cyan CadetBlue 20/1
Dr. Brain Island of Dr. Brain
Orange Coral 20/1
Dark Cloud Dark Cloud 2
Green OliveDrab 20/1
Disney Disney Dreamlight Valley
Purple/Violet/Magenta Violet 20/1
Deemo Deemo
Brown Goldenrod 20/1
Detroit Become Human Detroit: Become Human
Blue SteelBlue 20/1
Diablo Diablo III
Red DarkRed 20/1
Digimon Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth – Hacker's Memory
Blue DodgerBlue 20/1
Digimon Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth
Yellow Gold 20/1
Digimon Digimon Survive
Brown Sienna 20/1
Disney Disney Illusion Island
Green OliveDrab 20/1
Dishonored Dishonored
Gray/Black DimGray 20/1
Disney Aladdin
Red Red 20/1
Disney The Lion King
Green ForestGreen 20/1
Dissidia Final Fantasy Dissidia Opera Omnia
Purple/Violet/Magenta MediumSlateBlue 20/1
Dragon Quest Builders Dragon Quest Builders
Red Red 20/1
Dragon Quest Builders Dragon Quest Builders 2
Blue DodgerBlue 20/1
Dark Souls Dark Souls
Gray/Black Black 20/1
Dark Souls Dark Souls II
Brown Maroon 20/1
Dark Souls Dark Souls III
Brown DarkGoldenrod 20/1
Dust An Elysian Tail Dust: An Elysian Tail
Cyan Turquoise 20/1
Dwarf Fortress Dwarf Fortress
Green OliveDrab 20/1
Ehrgeiz God Bless the Ring Ehrgeiz: God Bless the Ring
Gray/Black DarkSlateGray 20/1
Epic Seven Epic Seven
Gray/Black Black 20/1
Evil Zone Evil Zone
Cyan DarkCyan 20/1
Factorio Factorio
Brown Sienna 20/1
Fae Farm Faefarm
Purple/Violet/Magenta DarkMagenta 20/1
Fallout Fallout: New Vegas
Yellow DarkKhaki 20/1
Fallout Fallout 3
Gray/Black DarkSlateGray 20/1
Fallout Fallout 4
Brown Tan 20/1
Fate Fate/Extella: The Umbral Star
Red Red 20/1
Fate Fate/Grand Order
Cyan LightSeaGreen 20/1
Fire Emblem Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Blue Blue 20/1
Final Fantasy I Final Fantasy I
Blue DodgerBlue 20/1
Final Fantasy II Final Fantasy II
Purple/Violet/Magenta Violet 20/1
Final Fantasy III Final Fantasy III (3D Remake)
Green DarkGreen 20/1
Final Fantasy IV Final Fantasy IV
Blue Blue 20/1
Final Fantasy IV Final Fantasy IV (3D Remake)
Purple/Violet/Magenta Indigo 20/1
Final Fantasy IX Final Fantasy IX
Purple/Violet/Magenta SlateBlue 20/1
Final Fantasy VI Final Fantasy VI
Purple/Violet/Magenta MediumOrchid 20/1
Final Fantasy VII and Remake Final Fantasy VII
Blue PowderBlue 20/1
Final Fantasy VII and Remake Final Fantasy VII Remake
Blue SteelBlue 20/1
Final Fantasy X and X-2 Final Fantasy X
Purple/Violet/Magenta SlateBlue 20/1
Final Fantasy XIII and XIII-2 Final Fantasy XIII
Pink HotPink 20/1
Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker
Blue LightSteelBlue 20/1
Final Fantasy XIV Heavensward
Blue DarkBlue 20/1
Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers
Gray/Black Black 20/1
Final Fantasy XV Final Fantasy XV
Gray/Black Black 20/1
Final Fantasy XVI Final Fantasy XVI
Red DarkRed 20/1
Fatal Frame Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly
Red Firebrick 20/1
Firewatch Firewatch
Orange DarkOrange 20/1
Good Job! Good Job!
Blue DeepSkyBlue 20/1
Graveyard Keeper Graveyard Keeper
Green Olive 20/1
Gabriel Knight Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers
Red DarkRed 20/1
GreedFall GreedFall
Brown Tan 20/1
Hades Hades
Red DarkRed 20/1
Hades Hades II
Green ForestGreen 20/1
Harvestella Harvestella
Green OliveDrab 20/1
Hatoful Boyfriend Hatoful Boyfriend
Purple/Violet/Magenta Orchid 20/1
Hatoful Boyfriend Hatoful Boyfriend: Holiday Star
Blue LightSkyBlue 20/1
Horizon Horizon Forbidden West
Brown Sienna 20/1
Hello Kitty And Friends Hello Kitty And Friends: Happiness Parade
Pink DeepPink 20/1
Hello Kitty And Friends Hello Kitty And Friends: Island Adventure
Purple/Violet/Magenta Violet 20/1
Hogwarts Legacy Hogwarts Legacy
Cyan CadetBlue 20/1
House Flipper Houseflipper
Gray/Black LightSlateGray 20/1
Horizon Horizon Zero Dawn
Brown SaddleBrown 20/1
Ico Ico
Green Olive 20/1
Illusion Connect Illusion Connect
Gray/Black DimGray 20/1
I Love You, Colonel Sanders! I Love You, Colonel Sanders!
Purple/Violet/Magenta Magenta 20/1
Inscryption Inscryption
Gray/Black Black 20/1
It Takes Two It Takes Two
Yellow DarkKhaki 20/1
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Heritage for the Future
Purple/Violet/Magenta Magenta 20/1
Jujutsu Kaisen Jujutsu Kaisen: Phantom Parade
Blue DarkBlue 20/1
Journey Journey
Brown Peru 20/1
Kena Bridge of Spirits Kena Bridge of Spirits
Cyan LightSeaGreen 20/1
Kirby Kirby's Dream Buffet
Pink LightPink 20/1
Kingdom Hearts Kingdom Hearts
Cyan CadetBlue 20/1
Kingdom Hearts Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
Blue CornflowerBlue 20/1
Kirby Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards
Blue DeepSkyBlue 20/1
Lollipop Chainsaw Lollipop Chainsaw
Pink DeepPink 20/1
LEGO LEGO City: Undercover
Brown Peru 20/1
Life is Strange Life is Strange
Brown RosyBrown 20/1
Logical Journey of the Zoombinis Logical Journey of the Zoombinis
Blue MediumBlue 20/1
Little Nightmares Little Nightmares
Gray/Black SlateGray 20/1
Little Nightmares Little Nightmares II
Cyan CadetBlue 20/1
Legend of Heroes Trails of Cold Steel
Gray/Black Silver 20/1
Legend of Mana Legend of Mana
Brown Burlywood 20/1
The Legend Of Zelda The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Green LightGreen 20/1
The Legend Of Zelda The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Green MediumSeaGreen 20/1
Master Detective Archives Rain Code
Purple/Violet/Magenta DarkSlateBlue 20/1
Medieval Dynasty Medieval Dynasty
Brown RosyBrown 20/1
Mirror's Edge Mirror's Edge
Red Red 20/1
Mass Effect Mass Effect
Blue Blue 20/1
Mass Effect Mass Effect Andromeda
Purple/Violet/Magenta MediumPurple 20/1
Metroid Metroid Fusion
Cyan Aqua 20/1
Metroid Super Metroid
Red Red 20/1
Monster Hunter Monster Hunter Rise
Blue Blue 20/1
Monster Hunter Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruins
Green YellowGreen 20/1
Monster Hunter Monster Hunter World
Green MediumAquamarine 20/1
Minecraft Minecraft
Green Green 20/1
Minecraft Minecraft Dungeons
Cyan CadetBlue 20/1
Monkey Island Curse of Monkey Island
Green MediumSeaGreen 20/1
Monkey Island Tales of Monkey Island
Brown SaddleBrown 20/1
Magic Knight Rayearth Magic Knight Rayearth
Green LimeGreen 20/1
Mega Man Mega Man X4
Blue Blue 20/1
Mega Man Megaman x 8
Cyan CadetBlue 20/1
Metal Slug Metal Slug 1
Brown DarkGoldenrod 20/1
My Time At Sandrock
Brown Burlywood 20/1
Neopets Neopets
Green LimeGreen 20/1
Nier Nier Automata
Gray/Black DimGray 20/1
Ni no Kuni Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch
Green OliveDrab 20/1
Ni no Kuni Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom
Blue CornflowerBlue 20/1
Okami Okami
Gray/Black DarkGray 20/1
Okami Okamiden
Purple/Violet/Magenta DarkMagenta 20/1
Obey Me! Obey Me!
Purple/Violet/Magenta DarkSlateBlue 20/1
Ooblets Ooblets
Pink PaleVioletRed 20/1
One Piece One Piece Odyssey
Green DarkGreen 20/1
Octopath Traveler Octopath Traveler
Brown RosyBrown 20/1
Party Animals Party Animals
Orange Orange 20/1
Phantom Brave Phantom Brave
Green Green 20/1
Persona Persona 2: Innocent Sin
Red DarkRed 20/1
Persona Persona 3 Portable
Pink PaleVioletRed 20/1
Persona Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth
Pink MediumVioletRed 20/1
Phasmophobia Phasmophobia
Blue Navy 20/1
Professor Layton Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney
Gray/Black LightSlateGray 20/1
Professor Layton Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask
Brown Chocolate 20/1
Professor Layton Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy
Orange DarkOrange 20/1
Paper Mario Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
Brown Chocolate 20/1
Pillars of Eternity Pillars of Eternity
Brown Maroon 20/1
Pokemon Pokemon Colosseum
Gray/Black DimGray 20/1
Pokemon Pokémon Café ReMix
Brown Burlywood 20/1
Pokemon Pokemon Crystal
Purple/Violet/Magenta BlueViolet 20/1
Pokemon Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver
Gray/Black Gray 20/1
Pokemon Pokemon Legends Arceus
Green SeaGreen 20/1
Pokemon Pokémon Let's Go, Pikachu & Let's Go, Eevee!
Green LimeGreen 20/1
Pokemon Magikarp Jump
Orange Orange 20/1
Pokemon New Pokemon Snap
Green ForestGreen 20/1
Pokemon Pokemon Puzzle Challenge
Pink PaleVioletRed 20/1
Pokemon Pokemon Platinum
Gray/Black Gainsboro 20/1
Pokemon Pokemon Trading Card Game
Gray/Black Black 20/1
Pokemon Pokemon XD
Gray/Black Black 20/1
Pokemon Pokemon Yellow
Yellow Gold 20/1
Psychonauts Psychonauts
Green OliveDrab 20/1
Parappa the Rapper Parappa the Rapper
Red Red 20/1
Parappa the Rapper Parappa the Rapper 2
Red Red 20/1
PowerWash Simulator PowerWash Simulator
Blue RoyalBlue 20/1
Raft Raft
Blue SteelBlue 20/1
Reverse 1999 Reverse: 1999
Brown Tan 20/1
Resident Evil Resident Evil 4 (2005)
Gray/Black Black 20/1
Resident Evil Resident Evil 4 (2023)
Gray/Black DarkSlateGray 20/1
Rune Factory Rune Factory 4: Special
Green MediumSeaGreen 20/1
Return of the Obra Dinn Return of the Obra Dinn
Green DarkOliveGreen 20/1
Rising Zan The Samurai Gunman Rising Zan: The Samurai Gunman
Red Crimson 20/1
Satisfactory Satisfactory
Cyan CadetBlue 20/1
Stray Gods Stray Gods
Purple/Violet/Magenta DarkMagenta 20/1
Silent Hill Silent Hill
Gray/Black DarkSlateGray 20/1
Silent Hill Silent Hill 2
Gray/Black DarkGray 20/1
Silent Hill Silent Hill 3
Brown Maroon 20/1
Silent Hill Silent Hill 4
Purple/Violet/Magenta DarkSlateBlue 20/1
Strange Horticulture Strange Horticulture
Green DarkOliveGreen 20/1
Super Mario Super Mario Odyssey
Red Red 20/1
Sid Meier's Civilisation Sid Meier's Civilization VI
Brown Burlywood 20/1
Shin Megami Tensei Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers
Blue Blue 20/1
Shin Megami Tensei Shin Megami Tensei IV
Yellow DarkKhaki 20/1
Shin Megami Tensei Shin Megami Tensei V
Blue MediumBlue 20/1
Star Ocean Star Ocean: The Second Story
Purple/Violet/Magenta DarkSlateBlue 20/1
Star Ocean Star Ocean 3: Till the End of Time
Cyan DarkCyan 20/1
Sonic the Hedgehog Sonic Adventure 2: Battle
Blue MediumBlue 20/1
Stranger of Paradise Stranger of Paradise
Purple/Violet/Magenta Indigo 20/1
Story of Seasons Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life
Green OliveDrab 20/1
Story of Seasons Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town
Green YellowGreen 20/1
Story of Seasons Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns
Orange Orange 20/1
Sea of Thieves Sea of Thieves
Gray/Black DarkSlateGray 20/1
Spyro the Dragon Spyro Reignited Trilogy
Purple/Violet/Magenta MediumOrchid 20/1
Starbound Starbound
Blue MidnightBlue 20/1
Stray Stray
Orange OrangeRed 20/1
Subnautica Subnautica
Cyan LightSeaGreen 20/1
Subnautica Subnautica: Below Zero
Cyan Teal 20/1
Suikoden Suikoden II
Blue MediumBlue 20/1
Stardew Valley Stardew Valley
Brown SandyBrown 20/1
Star Wars Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
Purple/Violet/Magenta MediumPurple 20/1
Temtem Temtem
Red Crimson 20/1
The Elder Scrolls The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Gray/Black DimGray 20/1
The Last of Us The Last of Us Part 1
Brown Chocolate 20/1
The Last of Us The Last of Us Part 2
Blue SteelBlue 20/1
The Legend Of Zelda The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Green OliveDrab 20/1
Tales of Arise Tales of Arise
Gray/Black LightSlateGray 20/1
Tales of Berseria Tales of Berseria
Pink PaleVioletRed 20/1
The Oregon Trail The Oregon Trail
Blue CornflowerBlue 20/1
Tales of Vesperia Tales of Vesperia
Purple/Violet/Magenta SlateBlue 20/1
Two Point Two Point Campus
Green DarkGreen 20/1
Two Point Two Point Hospital
Cyan Teal 20/1
Tomb Raider Tomb Raider
Brown Peru 20/1
Transistor Transistor
Cyan MediumTurquoise 20/1
Theatrythm Final Fantasy Theatrhythm Final Bar Line
Purple/Violet/Magenta DarkSlateBlue 20/1
The Room The Room Three
Brown RosyBrown 20/1
The Sims The Sims
Blue MediumBlue 20/1
The Sims The Sims 2
Purple/Violet/Magenta SlateBlue 20/1
The Thaumaturge The Thaumaturge
Red DarkRed 20/1
Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Tiny Tina's Wonderlands
Pink MediumVioletRed 20/1
The Wolf Among Us The Wolf Among Us
Brown Maroon 20/1
The World Ends With You The World Ends With You
Yellow Gold 20/1
The World Ends With You NEO: The World Ends With You
Gray/Black Black 20/1
The Witness The Witness
Orange OrangeRed 20/1
Until Dawn Until Dawn
Gray/Black DarkSlateGray 20/1
Untitled Goose Game Untitled Goose Game
Blue DodgerBlue 20/1
Umineko no Naku Koro ni Umineko no Naku Koro ni
Gray/Black Black 20/1
Umineko no Naku Koro ni Majo to Suiri no Rondo
Red Firebrick 20/1
Umineko no Naku Koro ni Shinjitsu to Gensou no Nocturne
Brown SaddleBrown 20/1
Unpacking Unpacking
Brown Peru 20/1
Valheim Valheim
Green Olive 20/1
Vampire Survivors Vampire Survivors
Red DarkRed 20/1
Vampire The Masquerade Vampire The Masquerade Swansong
Brown Maroon 20/1
Warhammer 40.000 Darktide
Gray/Black LightSlateGray 20/1
Werewolf The Apocalypse Werewolf: The Apocalypse - Earthblood
Green OliveDrab 20/1
Wytchwood Wytchwood
Green DarkOliveGreen 20/1
Zero Escape Zero Escape: 999
Blue Navy 20/1
Zero Escape Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward
Cyan DarkCyan 20/1
Zero Escape Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma
Brown SaddleBrown 20/1


Series Deckname Color Main Family #/$
Coral Island Coral Island Trailer
Blue DodgerBlue 20/1
Croc Croc Help Gobbo
Brown Goldenrod 20/1
Croc Croc 2: Introduction
Brown Chocolate 20/1
Dragon Age Last of your Line
Brown Maroon 20/1
Dragon Age What lurks on the Horizon
Brown Brown 20/1
Dragon Age Rise to Power
Gray/Black Black 20/1
Dragon Age Sacred Ashes
Blue SteelBlue 20/1
Dragon Age Teyrn of Highever
Brown Sienna 20/1
Dragon Age The Veilguard Official Reveal Trailer Part 1
Brown Peru 20/1
Dragon Age The Veilguard Official Reveal Trailer Part 2
Purple/Violet/Magenta Indigo 20/1
Dragon Age The Veilguard Official Launch Trailer Part 1
Red DarkRed 20/1
Dragon Age The Veilguard Official Launch Trailer Part 2
Cyan CadetBlue 20/1
Dissidia Final Fantasy Dissidia NT Opening Cinematic
Purple/Violet/Magenta MediumSlateBlue 20/1
Einhänder Einhänder: Introduction
Blue DarkBlue 20/1
Ensemble Stars! Coruscate Breeze Music Video
Yellow Gold 20/1
Fate Fate/Samurai Remnant: Opening Part 1
Blue SteelBlue 20/1
Fate Fate/Samurai Remnant: Opening Part 2
Brown Chocolate 20/1
Final Fantasy VIII Final Fantasy VIII Opening Pt 1
Blue LightSkyBlue 20/1
Final Fantasy VIII Final Fantasy VIII Opening Pt 2
Pink LightPink 20/1
Final Fantasy X and X-2 Abes vs Duggles
Cyan Teal 20/1
Final Fantasy X and X-2 Operation Mi'ihen Part 1
Brown Peru 20/1
Final Fantasy X and X-2 Ritual of Sending
Red Salmon 20/1
Final Fantasy X and X-2 Save Yuna
Blue RoyalBlue 20/1
Final Fantasy X and X-2 Suteki da Ne
Blue RoyalBlue 20/1
Final Fantasy X and X-2 The Fall of Zanarkand
Cyan CadetBlue 20/1
Final Fantasy X and X-2 1000 words Part 1
Purple/Violet/Magenta MediumSlateBlue 20/1
Final Fantasy X and X-2 1000 words Part 2
Blue SteelBlue 20/1
Final Fantasy X and X-2 real Emotion Part 1
Purple/Violet/Magenta MediumPurple 20/1
Final Fantasy X and X-2 real Emotion Part 2
Blue CornflowerBlue 20/1
Final Fantasy XIV A new Adventure
Brown DarkGoldenrod 20/1
Final Fantasy XIV Final Fantasy XIV: Cinematic Trailer
Gray/Black DarkSlateGray 20/1
Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail Trailer Part 1
Green DarkOliveGreen 20/1
Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail Trailer Part 2
Cyan DarkTurquoise 20/1
Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker Trailer
Gray/Black Silver 20/1
Final Fantasy XIV Heavensward Trailer Part 1
Blue SkyBlue 20/1
Final Fantasy XIV Heavensward Trailer Part 2
Gray/Black DimGray 20/1
Final Fantasy XIV Not a Goodbye
Brown Goldenrod 20/1
Final Fantasy XIV Stormblood Trailer Part 1
Red Firebrick 20/1
Final Fantasy XIV Stormblood Trailer Part 2
Red Crimson 20/1
Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers Trailer Part 1
Brown Peru 20/1
Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers Trailer Part 2
Purple/Violet/Magenta MediumPurple 20/1
Final Fantasy XIV Thaleia
Yellow Gold 20/1
Final Fantasy XV Farewell
Gray/Black DarkGray 20/1
Final Fantasy XV Insomnia's Destruction
Gray/Black Black 20/1
Final Fantasy XVI Awakening Trailer
Red Firebrick 20/1
Final Fantasy XVI A Kiss to Remember
Gray/Black Gray 20/1
Fatal Frame Fatal Frame 1: Introduction
Brown RosyBrown 20/1
Fatal Frame Fatal Frame 3: Introduction
Blue RoyalBlue 20/1
Genshin Impact Lantern Rite
Cyan LightSeaGreen 20/1
GreedFall Greedfall Trailer
Brown RosyBrown 20/1
Hades Hades Animated Trailer
Red DarkRed 20/1
Hades Hades II Reveal Trailer Part 1
Orange DarkOrange 20/1
Hades Hades II Reveal Trailer Part 2
Green Green 20/1
Hogwarts Legacy Hogwarts Legacy: Cinematic Trailer
Brown Burlywood 20/1
Hogwarts Legacy Dragon's Attack
Brown SaddleBrown 20/1
Hogwarts Legacy Gringotts Wizarding Bank
Gray/Black LightSlateGray 20/1
Hogwarts Legacy Trip to Hogwarts
Gray/Black Gray 20/1
Hogwarts Legacy Treasure Vault 12
Cyan CadetBlue 20/1
Kingdom Hearts Kingdom Hearts Opening
Cyan DarkTurquoise 20/1
Love and Deepspace Official Release PV
Pink LightPink 20/1
League of Legends Everything Goes On PV Part 1
Purple/Violet/Magenta Orchid 20/1
League of Legends Everything Goes On PV Part 2
Pink DeepPink 20/1
League of Legends MORE Music Video Part 1
Purple/Violet/Magenta MediumOrchid 20/1
League of Legends MORE Music Video Part 2
Purple/Violet/Magenta MediumPurple 20/1
League of Legends Paranoia Music Video Part 1
Cyan Teal 20/1
League of Legends Paranoia Music Video Part 2
Orange DarkOrange 20/1
League of Legends POP/STARS Music Video Part 1
Purple/Violet/Magenta DarkMagenta 20/1
League of Legends POP/STARS Music Video Part 2
Purple/Violet/Magenta DarkSlateBlue 20/1
Medieval Dynasty Medieval Dynasty: Cinematic Trailer
Gray/Black DarkSlateGray 20/1
Medieval Dynasty Medieval Dynasty Trailer (Ego Pov)
Cyan Teal 20/1
Mass Effect Take Earth Back - Arrival
Gray/Black LightSlateGray 20/1
Mass Effect Take the Earth Back (Fight)
Gray/Black DarkSlateGray 20/1
Mass Effect End of SSV Normandy SR-1
Gray/Black Black 20/1
Mass Effect Genesis Part 1
Cyan DarkCyan 20/1
Mass Effect Genesis Part 2
Brown Goldenrod 20/1
Mass Effect Lazarus Project
Cyan DarkCyan 20/1
Mass Effect Mass Effect 2: Cinematic Trailer
Cyan LightSeaGreen 20/1
Obey Me! Sinful Indulgence Part 1
Cyan CadetBlue 20/1
Obey Me! Sinful Indulgence Part 2
Orange Coral 20/1
Overwatch Dragons Part 1
Green OliveDrab 20/1
Overwatch Dragons Part 2
Cyan Teal 20/1
Overwatch Infilitration Part 1
Purple/Violet/Magenta Indigo 20/1
Overwatch Infilitration Part 2
Purple/Violet/Magenta DarkViolet 20/1
Overwatch Rise and Shine Part 1
Blue CornflowerBlue 20/1
Overwatch Rise and Shine Part 2
Purple/Violet/Magenta SlateBlue 20/1
Overwatch Shooting star Part 1
Pink DeepPink 20/1
Overwatch Shooting starPart 2
Pink MediumVioletRed 20/1
Overwatch The Wastelander Part 1
Orange DarkOrange 20/1
Overwatch The Wastelander Part 2
Brown Chocolate 20/1
Project Sekai Coral Part 1
Blue LightBlue 20/1
Project Sekai Coral Part 2
Brown NavajoWhite 20/1
Plants vs. Zombies Plants vs Zombies: It's About Time
Green OliveDrab 20/1
Theatrythm Final Fantasy Theatrhythm Final bar line Opening
Purple/Violet/Magenta MediumOrchid 20/1
World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth Trailer Part 1
Brown Brown 20/1
World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth Trailer Part 2
Red Firebrick 20/1
World of Warcraft Cataclysm Trailer
Orange Orange 20/1
World of Warcraft Fall of the Lich King
Blue DeepSkyBlue 20/1
World of Warcraft Legion trailer
Green LimeGreen 20/1
World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria Trailer
Green MediumAquamarine 20/1
World of Warcraft Shadowlands Trailer
Orange DarkOrange 20/1
World of Warcraft The Burning Crusade Trailer
Yellow DarkKhaki 20/1
World of Warcraft Warbringers Jaina Part 1
Gray/Black DarkSlateGray 20/1
World of Warcraft Warbringers Jaina Part 2
Gray/Black LightSlateGray 20/1
World of Warcraft Warbringers Sylvanas
Orange Coral 20/1
World of Warcraft Warlords of Draenor Trailer
Brown Peru 20/1
World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King Trailer
Blue DodgerBlue 20/1
Yakuza Yakuza: Like a Dragon Launch Trailer
Purple/Violet/Magenta DarkMagenta 20/1


Series Deckname Color Main Family #/$
A3! Azami Izumida
Gray/Black Black 20/1
A3! Banri Settsu
Brown Sienna 20/1
A3! Hisoka Mikage
Green DarkSeaGreen 20/1
A3! Juza Hyodo
Purple/Violet/Magenta BlueViolet 20/1
A3! Masumi Usui
Purple/Violet/Magenta MediumSlateBlue 20/1
A3! Sakuya Sakuma
Pink PaleVioletRed 20/1
A3! Sakyo Furuichi
Gray/Black Black 20/1
Ace Attorney Apollo Justice
Red Firebrick 20/1
Ace Attorney Athena Cykes
Orange DarkOrange 20/1
Ace Attorney Franziska von Karma
Blue LightSteelBlue 20/1
Ace Attorney Klavier Gavin
Red DarkRed 20/1
Ace Attorney Maya Fey
Purple/Violet/Magenta DarkViolet 20/1
Ace Attorney Miles Edgeworth
Red DarkRed 20/1
Ace Attorney Phoenix Wright
Blue DarkBlue 20/1
Assassin's Creed Ezio Auditore
Gray/Black LightSlateGray 20/1
Animal Crossing Cranky Villagers of Animal Crossing 1
Orange Tomato 20/1
Animal Crossing Jock Villagers of Animal Crossing 1
Blue CornflowerBlue 20/1
Animal Crossing Lazy Villagers of Animal Crossing 1
Blue DodgerBlue 20/1
Animal Crossing Peppy Villagers of Animal Crossing 1
Purple/Violet/Magenta MediumSlateBlue 20/1
Animal Crossing Smug Villagers of Animal Crossing 1
Brown RosyBrown 20/1
Animal Crossing Snooty Villagers of Animal Crossing 1
Purple/Violet/Magenta Violet 20/1
Animal Crossing Snooty Villagers of Animal Crossing 2
Pink DeepPink 20/1
Arknights Amiya
Cyan DarkTurquoise 20/1
Arknights Exusiai
Red Crimson 20/1
Arknights Feline Race
Brown Sienna 20/1
Arknights Hoshiguma
Green MediumAquamarine 20/1
Arknights Kal'tsit
Green PaleGreen 20/1
Arknights Kuranta Race
Brown SandyBrown 20/1
Arknights Liberi Race
Blue LightSteelBlue 20/1
Arknights Lupus Race
Gray/Black DarkGray 20/1
Arknights Skadi
Blue SteelBlue 20/1
Arknights Ursus Race
Brown RosyBrown 20/1
Arknights W
Red Crimson 20/1
Atelier Firis Mistlud
Blue LightSteelBlue 20/1
Atelier Reisalin "Ryza" Stout
Brown Burlywood 20/1
BanG Dream! Arisa Ichigaya
Orange Orange 20/1
BanG Dream! Aya Maruyama
Pink Pink 20/1
BanG Dream! Chisato Shirasagi
Yellow PeachPuff 20/1
BanG Dream! CHU² (Chiyu Tamade)
Red IndianRed 20/1
BanG Dream! Eve Wakamiya
Purple/Violet/Magenta Violet 20/1
BanG Dream! Hagumi Kitazawa
Orange DarkOrange 20/1
BanG Dream! Himari Uehara
Red Salmon 20/1
BanG Dream! Hina Hikawa
Cyan Turquoise 20/1
BanG Dream! Kasumi Toyama
Red Firebrick 20/1
BanG Dream! Kokoro Tsurumaki
Yellow Gold 20/1
BanG Dream! Lisa Imai
Brown Brown 20/1
BanG Dream! Misaki Okusawa
Pink HotPink 20/1
BanG Dream! Moca Aoba
Gray/Black LightGray 20/1
BanG Dream! Ran Mitake
Red Red 20/1
BanG Dream! Rimi Ushigome
Pink DeepPink 20/1
BanG Dream! Rinko Shirokane
Gray/Black Black 20/1
BanG Dream! Sayo Hikawa
Cyan MediumTurquoise 20/1
BanG Dream! Tae Hanazono
Brown Sienna 20/1
BanG Dream! Tomoe Udagawa
Red DarkRed 20/1
BanG Dream! Yukina Minato
Gray/Black SlateGray 20/1
Boyfriend Dungeon Boyfriend Dungeon: Characters of
Pink HotPink 20/1
Baldur's Gate Astarion
Red DarkRed 20/1
Baldur's Gate Karlach Cliffgate
Red Firebrick 20/1
Baldur's Gate Wyll Ravengard
Brown SaddleBrown 20/1
BioShock Elizabeth
Cyan DarkCyan 20/1
Cardcaptor Sakura Sakura Kinomoto
Red Salmon 20/1
Cozy Grove Neighbears
Brown Burlywood 20/1
Call of Duty Simon "Ghost" Riley
Green DarkOliveGreen 20/1
Call of Duty Johnny "Soap" MacTavish
Green DarkGreen 20/1
Dragon Age Alistair Theirin
Orange DarkOrange 20/1
Dragon Age Anders
Brown Chocolate 20/1
Dragon Age Arishok
Brown DarkGoldenrod 20/1
Dragon Age City Elf Origins NPC
Brown Burlywood 20/1
Dragon Age Cullen S. Rutherford
Brown Maroon 20/1
Dragon Age Dalish Elf Origin NPC
Green DarkOliveGreen 20/1
Dragon Age Dorian Pavus
Brown DarkGoldenrod 20/1
Dragon Age Fenris
Gray/Black DimGray 20/1
Dragon Age The Iron Bull
Gray/Black SlateGray 20/1
Dragon Age Josephine Montilyet
Brown Goldenrod 20/1
Dragon Age Mage Origins NPC
Gray/Black SlateGray 20/1
Dragon Age Marethari Talas
Green DarkOliveGreen 20/1
Dragon Age Merrill
Brown SaddleBrown 20/1
Dragon Age Garrett Hawke
Brown SaddleBrown 20/1
Dragon Age Morrigan
Brown Maroon 20/1
Dragon Age Human Noble NPCs
Brown SaddleBrown 20/1
Dragon Age Romance (The Keep)
Red IndianRed 20/1
Dragon Age Sebastian Vael
Gray/Black LightSlateGray 20/1
Dragon Age Sera
Brown SandyBrown 20/1
Dragon Age Tarot Cards
Red Firebrick 20/1
Dragon Age Vivienne de Fer
Gray/Black DarkGrey 20/1
Dragon Age Grey Wardens
Gray/Black Gray 20/1
Danganronpa Byakuya Togami
Cyan DarkTurquoise 20/1
Danganronpa Celestia Ludenberg
Red DarkRed 20/1
Danganronpa Chiaki Nanami
Yellow PeachPuff 20/1
Danganronpa Hajime Hinata
Brown Tan 20/1
Danganronpa Ibuki Mioda
Pink HotPink 20/1
Danganronpa Nagito Komaeda
Green DarkGreen 20/1
Danganronpa Kyoko Kirigiri
Purple/Violet/Magenta Thistle 20/1
Danganronpa Makoto Naegi
Green DarkOliveGreen 20/1
Danganronpa Sonia Nevermind
Yellow PaleGoldenrod 20/1
Darkstalkers Baby Bonnie Hood
Red Red 20/1
Darkstalkers Felicia
Cyan DarkTurquoise 20/1
Darkstalkers Hsien-Ko
Purple/Violet/Magenta SlateBlue 20/1
Darkstalkers Lilith
Purple/Violet/Magenta MediumOrchid 20/1
Darkstalkers Morrigan Aensland
Green SeaGreen 20/1
Darkstalkers Q-Bee
Yellow Gold 20/1
Dream Daddy Dream Daddy: Various Characters
Pink HotPink 20/1
Digimon Beelzebumon
Purple/Violet/Magenta Indigo 20/1
Digimon Impmon
Purple/Violet/Magenta Purple 20/1
Dragalia Lost Mym
Pink HotPink 20/1
Diabolik Lovers Ayato Sakamaki
Red IndianRed 20/1
Devil May Cry Dante
Red Firebrick 20/1
Devil May Cry Kyrie
Green MediumAquamarine 20/1
Devil May Cry Lady
Gray/Black Gray 20/1
Devil May Cry Nicoletta Goldstein
Brown SaddleBrown 20/1
Devil May Cry Trish
Pink MediumVioletRed 20/1
Devil May Cry V
Gray/Black Black 20/1
Devil May Cry Vergil
Blue SteelBlue 20/1
DRAMAtical Murder Aoba Seragaki
Blue LightSkyBlue 20/1
DRAMAtical Murder Clear
Green YellowGreen 20/1
DRAMAtical Murder Koujaku
Red IndianRed 20/1
DRAMAtical Murder Noiz
Green LightGreen 20/1
DRAMAtical Murder Ren
Blue DarkBlue 20/1
Dead or Alive Ayane
Purple/Violet/Magenta MediumPurple 20/1
Dead or Alive Christie
Gray/Black Black 20/1
Dead or Alive Kasumi
Orange OrangeRed 20/1
Dead or Alive Marie Rose
Brown SandyBrown 20/1
Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia Characters of 1
Pink HotPink 20/1
Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia Characters of 2
Purple/Violet/Magenta MediumPurple 20/1
Ensemble Stars! Adonis Otogari
Purple/Violet/Magenta Purple 20/1
Ensemble Stars! Chiaki Morisawa
Red Firebrick 20/1
Ensemble Stars! Hiiro Amagi
Cyan DarkTurquoise 20/1
Ensemble Stars! Hokuto Hidaka
Blue MediumBlue 20/1
Ensemble Stars! Izumi Sena
Blue LightSteelBlue 20/1
Ensemble Stars! Jun Sazanami
Blue RoyalBlue 20/1
Ensemble Stars! Kaoru Hakaze
Orange Orange 20/1
Ensemble Stars! Koga Oogami
Purple/Violet/Magenta Plum 20/1
Ensemble Stars! Leo Tsukinaga
Orange OrangeRed 20/1
Ensemble Stars! Madara Mikejima
Brown Chocolate 20/1
Ensemble Stars! Rei Sakuma
Purple/Violet/Magenta MediumOrchid 20/1
Ensemble Stars! Souma Kanzaki
Purple/Violet/Magenta DarkOrchid 20/1
Ensemble Stars! Subaru Akehoshi
Orange DarkOrange 20/1
Fallout Dogmeat
Brown DarkGoldenrod 20/1
Fate Abigail Williams
Purple/Violet/Magenta DarkSlateBlue 20/1
Fate Anastasia Romanova
Blue PowderBlue 20/1
Fate Arjuna
Blue MediumBlue 20/1
Fate Artoria Pendragon
Blue RoyalBlue 20/1
Fate BB
Purple/Violet/Magenta MediumSlateBlue 20/1
Fate Caren Hortensia
Blue Navy 20/1
Fate Ereshkigal
Red Red 20/1
Fate Fou
Purple/Violet/Magenta Orchid 20/1
Fate Gilgamesh
Yellow Gold 20/1
Fate Gudako
Orange Tomato 20/1
Fate Illyasviel von Einzbern
Pink HotPink 20/1
Fate Miyamoto Iori
Cyan DarkCyan 20/1
Fate Ishtar
Red Crimson 20/1
Fate Jeanne D'Arc
Blue RoyalBlue 20/1
Fate Kama
Purple/Violet/Magenta BlueViolet 20/1
Fate Medusa
Purple/Violet/Magenta Orchid 20/1
Fate Merlin
Purple/Violet/Magenta Violet 20/1
Fate Mordred
Red Red 20/1
Fate Murasaki Shikibu
Purple/Violet/Magenta Indigo 20/1
Fate Nero Claudius
Red Red 20/1
Fate Oberon
Cyan DarkTurquoise 20/1
Fate Osakabehime
Pink PaleVioletRed 20/1
Fate Saber Lily
Blue SteelBlue 20/1
Fate Sakura Matou
Purple/Violet/Magenta MediumPurple 20/1
Fate Scathach
Purple/Violet/Magenta DarkMagenta 20/1
Fate Scathach-Skadi
Purple/Violet/Magenta Orchid 20/1
Fate Yamato Takeru
Orange DarkOrange 20/1
Fate Tamamo no Mae
Blue Blue 20/1
Fire Emblem Camilla
Purple/Violet/Magenta MediumPurple 20/1
Fire Emblem Chrom
Blue RoyalBlue 20/1
Final Fantasy Carbuncles
Cyan DarkTurquoise 20/1
Final Fantasy Moogles
Purple/Violet/Magenta MediumPurple 20/1
Final Fantasy I Warrior of Light
Blue DodgerBlue 20/1
Final Fantasy IV Cecil Harvey
Purple/Violet/Magenta SlateBlue 20/1
Final Fantasy IV Golbez
Purple/Violet/Magenta DarkSlateBlue 20/1
Final Fantasy IV Kain Highwind
Purple/Violet/Magenta BlueViolet 20/1
Final Fantasy IX Kuja
Purple/Violet/Magenta MediumSlateBlue 20/1
Final Fantasy IX Vivi Ornitier
Blue CornflowerBlue 20/1
Final Fantasy VI Terra Branford
Green ForestGreen 20/1
Final Fantasy VII and Remake Aerith Gainsborough
Pink PaleVioletRed 20/1
Final Fantasy VII and Remake Cloud Strife
Cyan LightSeaGreen 20/1
Final Fantasy VII and Remake Reno
Orange Tomato 20/1
Final Fantasy VII and Remake Sephiroth
Blue LightSteelBlue 20/1
Final Fantasy VII and Remake Tifa Lockhart
Brown Brown 20/1
Final Fantasy VII and Remake Yuffie Kisaragi
Green OliveDrab 20/1
Final Fantasy VII and Remake Zack Fair
Cyan LightSeaGreen 20/1
Final Fantasy VIII Rinoa Heartilly
Blue SteelBlue 20/1
Final Fantasy VIII Seifer Almasy
Red Crimson 20/1
Final Fantasy VIII Squall Leonhart
Blue DeepSkyBlue 20/1
Final Fantasy VII and Remake Wedge
Brown Maroon 20/1
Final Fantasy X and X-2 Rikku
Brown SandyBrown 20/1
Final Fantasy X and X-2 Tidus
Blue DeepSkyBlue 20/1
Final Fantasy X and X-2 Yuna
Blue LightSkyBlue 20/1
Final Fantasy X and X-2 Paine
Red DarkRed 20/1
Final Fantasy XII Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca
Brown Tan 20/1
Final Fantasy XII Balthier
Brown Goldenrod 20/1
Final Fantasy XII Basch fon Ronsenburg
Yellow Gold 20/1
Final Fantasy XII Fran
Gray/Black SlateGray 20/1
Final Fantasy XII Penelo
Yellow Khaki 20/1
Final Fantasy XII Vaan
Brown Peru 20/1
Final Fantasy XIII and XIII-2 Serah Farron
Pink LightPink 20/1
Final Fantasy XIII and XIII-2 Oerba Dia Vanille
Orange Coral 20/1
Final Fantasy XIV Alisaie Leveilleur
Red Firebrick 20/1
Final Fantasy XIV Alphinaud Leveilleur
Blue MediumBlue 20/1
Final Fantasy XIV Aymeric De Borel
Blue Navy 20/1
Final Fantasy XIV Cahciua
Brown DarkGoldenrod 20/1
Final Fantasy XIV Crystal Exarch
Blue DeepSkyBlue 20/1
Final Fantasy XIV Emet-Selch
Purple/Violet/Magenta MediumPurple 20/1
Final Fantasy XIV Erenville
Green DarkOliveGreen 20/1
Final Fantasy XIV Erichthonios
Red Firebrick 20/1
Final Fantasy XIV Emet-Selch (Hades)
Gray/Black Silver 20/1
Final Fantasy XIV Estinien Varlineau
Blue MidnightBlue 20/1
Final Fantasy XIV Feo Ul
Orange OrangeRed 20/1
Final Fantasy XIV Gaia
Gray/Black Black 20/1
Final Fantasy XIV G'Raha Tia
Orange OrangeRed 20/1
Final Fantasy XIV Haurchefant Greystone
Gray/Black SlateGray 20/1
Final Fantasy XIV Hermes
Green ForestGreen 20/1
Final Fantasy XIV Hien Rijin
Brown DarkGoldenrod 20/1
Final Fantasy XIV Hythlodaeus
Purple/Violet/Magenta Thistle 20/1
Final Fantasy XIV Jullus pyr Norbanus
Cyan CadetBlue 20/1
Final Fantasy XIV Kan-E-Senna
Green PaleGreen 20/1
Final Fantasy XIV Koana
Cyan Teal 20/1
Final Fantasy XIV Loporrits
Blue DodgerBlue 20/1
Final Fantasy XIV Magnai Oronir
Yellow DarkKhaki 20/1
Final Fantasy XIV Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn
Blue Navy 20/1
Final Fantasy XIV Meteion
Blue DodgerBlue 20/1
Final Fantasy XIV Meteor (Warrior of Light)
Cyan CadetBlue 20/1
Final Fantasy XIV Nanamo Ul Namo
Yellow PeachPuff 20/1
Final Fantasy XIV Ryne Waters
Pink PaleVioletRed 20/1
Final Fantasy XIV Sicard Spence
Cyan PaleTurquoise 20/1
Final Fantasy XIV Thancred Waters
Gray/Black Silver 20/1
Final Fantasy XIV Themis
Gray/Black Silver 20/1
Final Fantasy XIV Urianger Augurelt
Gray/Black DarkGray 20/1
Final Fantasy XIV Venat
Blue SkyBlue 20/1
Final Fantasy XIV Yotsuyu goe Brutus
Gray/Black Black 20/1
Final Fantasy XIV Y'Shtola Rhul
Gray/Black Black 20/1
Final Fantasy XIV Zero
Gray/Black DarkSlateGray 20/1
Final Fantasy XV Aranea Highwind
Gray/Black DimGray 20/1
Final Fantasy XV Cindy Aurum
Yellow Gold 20/1
Final Fantasy XV Gladiolus Amicitia
Orange Tomato 20/1
Final Fantasy XV Ignis Scientia
Cyan MediumTurquoise 20/1
Final Fantasy XV Noctis Lucis Caelum
Blue MidnightBlue 20/1
Final Fantasy XV Prompto Argentum
Gray/Black SlateGray 20/1
Final Fantasy XVI Cidolfus "Cid" Telamon
Purple/Violet/Magenta MediumPurple 20/1
Final Fantasy XVI Dion Lesage
Brown Peru 20/1
Final Fantasy XVI Jill Warrick
Blue SteelBlue 20/1
Final Fantasy XVI Midadol "Mid" Telamon
Brown Maroon 20/1
Final Fantasy XVI Torgal
Gray/Black Gray 20/1
Factory Town Factory Town
Green DarkOliveGreen 20/1
Granblue Fantasy Lyria
Blue SkyBlue 20/1
Granblue Fantasy Vira
Brown Maroon 20/1
Guilty Gear Bridget
Blue RoyalBlue 20/1
Guilty Gear Dizzy
Cyan Teal 20/1
Guilty Gear Milia Rage
Yellow Gold 20/1
Genshin Impact Alhaitham
Green MediumSeaGreen 20/1
Genshin Impact Ayaka Kamisato
Purple/Violet/Magenta Lavender 20/1
Genshin Impact Barbara
Blue LightSkyBlue 20/1
Genshin Impact Childe
Blue DodgerBlue 20/1
Genshin Impact Eula
Blue SkyBlue 20/1
Genshin Impact Furina
Blue MediumBlue 20/1
Genshin Impact Ganyu
Blue LightSkyBlue 20/1
Genshin Impact Hu Tao
Brown Sienna 20/1
Genshin Impact Itto Arataki
Red DarkRed 20/1
Genshin Impact Kaveh
Yellow Gold 20/1
Genshin Impact Kaedehara Kazuha
Red Red 20/1
Genshin Impact Keqing
Purple/Violet/Magenta MediumPurple 20/1
Genshin Impact Klee
Red IndianRed 20/1
Genshin Impact Kokomi Sangonomiya
Purple/Violet/Magenta Plum 20/1
Genshin Impact Mona
Blue MediumBlue 20/1
Genshin Impact Nahida
Green LightGreen 20/1
Genshin Impact Nilou
Orange Tomato 20/1
Genshin Impact Ningguang
Red Crimson 20/1
Genshin Impact Paimon
Blue Navy 20/1
Genshin Impact Qiqi
Purple/Violet/Magenta Thistle 20/1
Genshin Impact Raiden Shogun
Purple/Violet/Magenta BlueViolet 20/1
Genshin Impact Scaramouche
Blue Navy 20/1
Genshin Impact Shinobu Kuki
Green OliveDrab 20/1
Genshin Impact Sigewinne
Blue LightSkyBlue 20/1
Genshin Impact Xiao
Cyan DarkCyan 20/1
Genshin Impact Yae Miko
Red Salmon 20/1
Genshin Impact Yelan
Blue DarkBlue 20/1
Genshin Impact Zhongli
Brown Goldenrod 20/1
GreedFall Kurt
Brown Tan 20/1
GreedFall Vasco
Brown Sienna 20/1
Guild Wars Guild Wars 2: Characters of
Green SeaGreen 20/1
Guild Wars Guild Wars 2: Creatures of
Green OliveDrab 20/1
Hades Hades: Various Characters
Purple/Violet/Magenta Indigo 20/1
Hades Hades II: Various Characters
Green SeaGreen 20/1
Hearthstone Demon Hunter Heroes
Green LimeGreen 20/1
Hearthstone Priest Heroes
Purple/Violet/Magenta MediumPurple 20/1
Hearthstone Shaman Heroes
Cyan LightSeaGreen 20/1
Hearthstone Undead Minions 1
Cyan LightSeaGreen 20/1
Hearthstone Warlock (Heroes)
Green OliveDrab 20/1
Hogwarts Legacy Ominis Gaunt
Green DarkOliveGreen 20/1
Hogwarts Legacy Sebastian Sallow
Green DarkGreen 20/1
Honkai Aventurine
Cyan MediumTurquoise 20/1
Honkai Dan Heng
Cyan Turquoise 20/1
Honkai Himeko
Red Red 20/1
Honkai Jiaoqiu
Red LightSalmon 20/1
Honkai Kafka
Purple/Violet/Magenta MediumOrchid 20/1
Honkai March 7th
Purple/Violet/Magenta Violet 20/1
Honkai Veritas Ratio
Purple/Violet/Magenta DarkSlateBlue 20/1
Honkai Sampo Koski
Red Crimson 20/1
Honkai Seele
Purple/Violet/Magenta DarkSlateBlue 20/1
Honkai Su
Cyan MediumTurquoise 20/1
Honkai Welt Yang
Brown Burlywood 20/1
Horizon Aloy
Brown Chocolate 20/1
Illusion Connect Characters of Illusion Connect 1
Purple/Violet/Magenta MediumOrchid 20/1
Illusion Connect Characters of Illusion Connect 2
Pink PaleVioletRed 20/1
IDOLiSH7 Tenn Kujo
Pink MediumVioletRed 20/1
Kingdom Hearts Ansem
Gray/Black LightSlateGray 20/1
Kingdom Hearts Aqua
Blue RoyalBlue 20/1
Kingdom Hearts Axel
Red Firebrick 20/1
Kingdom Hearts Kairi
Red Firebrick 20/1
Kingdom Hearts Riku
Blue CornflowerBlue 20/1
Kingdom Hearts Saix
Blue MediumBlue 20/1
Kingdom Hearts Sora
Blue SkyBlue 20/1
Kingdom Hearts Terra
Brown Sienna 20/1
Kingdom Hearts Ventus
Green MediumAquamarine 20/1
Kirby Kirby
Pink HotPink 20/1
Love and Deepspace Rafayel
Red LightCoral 20/1
Love and Deepspace Sylus
Red DarkRed 20/1
Love and Deepspace Xavier
Yellow PeachPuff 20/1
Love and Deepspace Zayne
Blue SteelBlue 20/1
Lollipop Chainsaw Juliet Starling
Purple/Violet/Magenta Magenta 20/1
Life is Strange Chloe Price
Blue RoyalBlue 20/1
Life is Strange Max Caulfield
Brown RosyBrown 20/1
Last Legacy Sage Lesath
Red Firebrick 20/1
Love Live! Dia Kurosawa
Brown Maroon 20/1
Love Live! Honoka Kousaka
Orange DarkOrange 20/1
Love Live! Kotori Minami
Green DarkSeaGreen 20/1
Love Live! Nico Yazawa
Pink DeepPink 20/1
Love Live! Nozomi Tojou
Purple/Violet/Magenta MediumPurple 20/1
Love Live! Ruby Kurosawa
Red Crimson 20/1
Love Live! Setsuna Yuki
Red Firebrick 20/1
Love Live! Umi Sonoda
Blue RoyalBlue 20/1
Love Live! Yoshiko Tsushima
Purple/Violet/Magenta DarkSlateBlue 20/1
Legend of Heroes Crow Armbrust
Gray/Black SlateGray 20/1
League of Legends Ahri
Purple/Violet/Magenta DarkOrchid 20/1
League of Legends Akali
Purple/Violet/Magenta SlateBlue 20/1
League of Legends Annie
Pink MediumVioletRed 20/1
League of Legends Ashe
Blue RoyalBlue 20/1
League of Legends Caitlyn
Purple/Violet/Magenta DarkSlateBlue 20/1
League of Legends Diana
Blue SteelBlue 20/1
League of Legends Evelynn
Pink MediumVioletRed 20/1
League of Legends Ezreal
Brown Goldenrod 20/1
League of Legends Gwen
Blue DeepSkyBlue 20/1
League of Legends Janna
Blue DeepSkyBlue 20/1
League of Legends Jayce
Brown Sienna 20/1
League of Legends Jinx
Pink DeepPink 20/1
League of Legends Katarina
Red Crimson 20/1
League of Legends Leblanc
Purple/Violet/Magenta Indigo 20/1
League of Legends Lux
Orange Orange 20/1
League of Legends Miss Fortune
Red Firebrick 20/1
League of Legends Morgana
Pink MediumVioletRed 20/1
League of Legends Nami
Pink MediumVioletRed 20/1
League of Legends Neeko
Purple/Violet/Magenta DarkViolet 20/1
League of Legends Poro Party 1
Yellow Gold 20/1
League of Legends Poros
Purple/Violet/Magenta Plum 20/1
League of Legends Riven
Green YellowGreen 20/1
League of Legends Sona
Blue SteelBlue 20/1
League of Legends Soraka
Purple/Violet/Magenta Violet 20/1
League of Legends Syndra
Purple/Violet/Magenta MediumPurple 20/1
League of Legends Teemo
Brown Peru 20/1
League of Legends Yone
Pink MediumVioletRed 20/1
League of Legends Zoe
Pink DeepPink 20/1
League of Legends Zyra
Pink MediumVioletRed 20/1
Magic The Gathering Ajani Goldmane
Brown Goldenrod 20/1
Magic The Gathering Chandra Nalaar
Orange OrangeRed 20/1
Magic The Gathering Jace Beleren
Cyan DarkTurquoise 20/1
Magic The Gathering Liliana Vess
Purple/Violet/Magenta DarkMagenta 20/1
Magic The Gathering Nissa Revane
Green YellowGreen 20/1
MeChat Enzo Gomez
Gray/Black DimGray 20/1
MeChat Jules Anderson
Red Firebrick 20/1
MeChat Lan Ying
Red DarkRed 20/1
MeChat Wu Xiang
Orange DarkOrange 20/1
Mass Effect EDI
Blue SteelBlue 20/1
Mass Effect Jane Shepard
Red Firebrick 20/1
Mass Effect Garrus Vakarian
Blue RoyalBlue 20/1
Mass Effect Jeff "Joker" Moreau
Cyan CadetBlue 20/1
Mass Effect John Shepard
Gray/Black Black 20/1
Mass Effect Reyes Vidal
Brown Sienna 20/1
Metal Gear Solid Hal "Otacon" Emmerich
Gray/Black SlateGray 20/1
Metal Gear Solid Solid Snake
Green DarkSeaGreen 20/1
Monster Hunter Alwin
Red Red 20/1
Monster Hunter Kayna
Orange Tomato 20/1
Monster Hunter Palamutes
Yellow DarkKhaki 20/1
Monster Hunter Palicoes
Brown RosyBrown 20/1
Monster Hunter Poogies
Red DarkSalmon 20/1
Minecraft Warden
Cyan DarkCyan 20/1
Mortal Kombat Mileena
Purple/Violet/Magenta Purple 20/1
Mystic Messenger 707 (Saeyoung Choi)
Orange OrangeRed 20/1
Mystic Messenger Jaehee Kang
Brown Burlywood 20/1
Mystic Messenger Jumin Han
Brown SaddleBrown 20/1
Mystic Messenger Yoosung Kim
Yellow Gold 20/1
Mystic Messenger Zen (Ryu Hyun)
Gray/Black Gainsboro 20/1
Monster Prom Damien LaVey
Red Red 20/1
Monster Prom Oz
Yellow Gold 20/1
Neopets Fyora
Purple/Violet/Magenta Magenta 20/1
Neopets Illusen
Green DarkGreen 20/1
Neopets Jhudora
Purple/Violet/Magenta Orchid 20/1
Neopets Taelia
Cyan Aqua 20/1
Nier 2B
Gray/Black DarkGray 20/1
Needy Streamer Overload Ame
Gray/Black Black 20/1
Needy Streamer Overload KAngel
Purple/Violet/Magenta Plum 20/1
Okami Amaterasu
Red Crimson 20/1
Obey Me! Beelzebub
Red DarkRed 20/1
Obey Me! Belphegor
Blue CornflowerBlue 20/1
Obey Me! Lucifer
Blue DarkBlue 20/1
Obey Me! Mammon
Yellow Gold 20/1
One Piece Portgas D. Ace
Orange OrangeRed 20/1
Overcooked! Overcooked! 2
Green OliveDrab 20/1
Overwatch D.Va
Pink HotPink 20/1
Overwatch Mercy
Blue LightSkyBlue 20/1
Persona Aigis
Yellow Gold 20/1
Persona Ann Takamaki
Red Red 20/1
Persona Elizabeth
Blue RoyalBlue 20/1
Persona Futaba Sakura
Red Red 20/1
Persona Goro Akechi
Brown Sienna 20/1
Persona Haru Okumura
Pink MediumVioletRed 20/1
Persona Kasumi Yoshizawa
Gray/Black Black 20/1
Persona Koromaru
Gray/Black DarkGray 20/1
Persona Makoto Yuki
Blue MediumBlue 20/1
Persona Makoto Niijima
Gray/Black Black 20/1
Persona Morgana
Red Red 20/1
Persona Rise Kujikawa
Pink HotPink 20/1
Persona Yukiko Amagi
Red Crimson 20/1
Persona Yusuke Kitagawa
Gray/Black DimGray 20/1
Pokemon Charizard
Orange Orange 20/1
Pokemon Clefable
Pink LightPink 20/1
Pokemon Dratini
Blue CornflowerBlue 20/1
Pokemon Eevee
Brown Burlywood 20/1
Pokemon Gengar
Purple/Violet/Magenta Indigo 20/1
Pokemon Giratina
Yellow Gold 20/1
Pokemon Growlithe
Orange Coral 20/1
Pokemon Jigglypuff
Pink LightPink 20/1
Pokemon Meloetta
Gray/Black DimGray 20/1
Pokemon Pawmo
Orange Orange 20/1
Pokemon Pichu
Yellow Gold 20/1
Pokemon Porygon
Pink DeepPink 20/1
Pokemon Raichu
Brown SandyBrown 20/1
Pokemon Sprigatito
Green LimeGreen 20/1
Pokemon Pokemon: Scarlet and Violet
Purple/Violet/Magenta DarkViolet 20/1
Pokemon Umbreon
Gray/Black Black 20/1
Pokemon Zoroark
Red Firebrick 20/1
Pokemon Zorua
Gray/Black SlateGray 20/1
Portal Chell
Orange DarkOrange 20/1
Portal GLaDOS
Gray/Black Black 20/1
Project Sekai Akito Shinonome
Orange DarkOrange 20/1
Project Sekai An Shiraishi
Blue DodgerBlue 20/1
Project Sekai Emu Otori
Pink DeepPink 20/1
Project Sekai Ena Shinonome
Brown RosyBrown 20/1
Project Sekai Kanade Yoisaki
Blue LightSteelBlue 20/1
Project Sekai Kohane Azusawa
Pink PaleVioletRed 20/1
Project Sekai Mafuyu Asahina
Purple/Violet/Magenta DarkSlateBlue 20/1
Project Sekai Minori Hanasato
Green YellowGreen 20/1
Project Sekai Mizuki Akiyama
Red LightCoral 20/1
Project Sekai Saki Tenma
Pink HotPink 20/1
Project Sekai Toya Aoyagi
Blue CornflowerBlue 20/1
Project Sekai Tsukasa Tenma
Orange Orange 20/1
Ratopia Ratopia
Brown Tan 20/1
Resident Evil Ada Wong
Red DarkRed 20/1
Resident Evil Chris Redfield
Green OliveDrab 20/1
Resident Evil Leon S. Kennedy
Brown Peru 20/1
Sly Cooper Carmelita Fox
Brown Goldenrod 20/1
Sly Cooper Sly Cooper
Blue Blue 20/1
Stray Gods Stray Gods: Characters of
Pink MediumVioletRed 20/1
Silent Hill Heather Mason
Brown Goldenrod 20/1
Super Mario Bowser
Green LimeGreen 20/1
Super Mario Yoshi
Green DarkGreen 20/1
SMITE Aphrodite
Purple/Violet/Magenta Violet 20/1
SMITE Chang'e
Purple/Violet/Magenta MediumPurple 20/1
SMITE Izanami
Brown Maroon 20/1
Shin Megami Tensei Frosts
Blue DarkBlue 20/1
Star Ocean Edge Maverick
Cyan Turquoise 20/1
Soulcalibur Ivy Valentine
Purple/Violet/Magenta BlueViolet 20/1
Soulcalibur Kilik
Red IndianRed 20/1
Soulcalibur Seong Mi-na
Pink PaleVioletRed 20/1
Soulcalibur Sophitia Alexandra
Blue LightSteelBlue 20/1
Soulcalibur Taki
Purple/Violet/Magenta Purple 20/1
Soulcalibur Talim
Green ForestGreen 20/1
Soulcalibur Tira
Green ForestGreen 20/1
Soulcalibur Xianghua
Pink PaleVioletRed 20/1
Spyro the Dragon Spyro
Purple/Violet/Magenta DarkViolet 20/1
Stardew Valley Stardew Valley: Characters of
Red DarkSalmon 20/1
The Arcana Asra
Purple/Violet/Magenta Orchid 20/1
The Arcana Julian
Red DarkRed 20/1
The Arcana Lucio
Red Red 20/1
The Arcana Muriel
Brown SaddleBrown 20/1
The Arcana Nadia
Pink MediumVioletRed 20/1
The Arcana Portia
Red Firebrick 20/1
Tekken Anna Williams
Red Crimson 20/1
Tekken Asuka Kazama
Blue CornflowerBlue 20/1
Tekken Bryan
Gray/Black Gray 20/1
Tekken Emilie De Rochefort
Red Crimson 20/1
Tekken Jin Kazama
Red DarkRed 20/1
Tekken Jun Kazama
Gray/Black DimGray 20/1
Tekken Lee Chaolan
Purple/Violet/Magenta DarkMagenta 20/1
Tekken Nina Williams
Purple/Violet/Magenta Indigo 20/1
Tekken Sergei Dragunov
Gray/Black DimGray 20/1
Tekken Ling Xiaoyu
Orange Orange 20/1
The First Descendant Bunny
Blue MediumBlue 20/1
THE iDOLM@STER Frederica Miyamoto
Pink HotPink 20/1
THE iDOLM@STER Mizuki Kawashima
Brown Sienna 20/1
Pink HotPink 20/1
THE iDOLM@STER Rin Shibuya
Blue MediumBlue 20/1
The Legend of Dragoon Meru
Purple/Violet/Magenta Plum 20/1
Togainu no Chi Akira
Gray/Black LightSlateGray 20/1
Tales of Arise Alphen
Blue CornflowerBlue 20/1
Tales of Arise Dohalim il Qaras
Red Firebrick 20/1
Tales of Arise Kisara
Orange DarkOrange 20/1
Tales of Arise Law
Pink PaleVioletRed 20/1
Tales of Arise Rinwell
Blue RoyalBlue 20/1
Tales of Arise Shionne
Pink LightPink 20/1
Tales of the Abyss Anise Tatlin
Red IndianRed 20/1
Tales of the Abyss Jade Curtiss
Green MediumSeaGreen 20/1
Tales of the Abyss Natalia Luzu Kimlasca Lanvaldear
Green MediumAquamarine 20/1
Tales of Vesperia Estellise "Estelle" Sidos Heurassein
Green MediumAquamarine 20/1
Tales of Vesperia Flynn Scifo
Cyan Teal 20/1
Tales of Vesperia Judith
Purple/Violet/Magenta SlateBlue 20/1
Tales of Vesperia Repede
Purple/Violet/Magenta DarkSlateBlue 20/1
Tales of Vesperia Yuri Lowell
Purple/Violet/Magenta DarkSlateBlue 20/1
Tales of Zestiria Rose
Red IndianRed 20/1
Two Point Illnesses
Cyan Turquoise 20/1
Transistor Red
Red Red 20/1
Twisted Wonderland Azul Ashengrotto
Purple/Violet/Magenta MediumSlateBlue 20/1
Twisted Wonderland Idia Shroud
Blue DeepSkyBlue 20/1
Twisted Wonderland Kalim Al-Asim
Red Crimson 20/1
Twisted Wonderland Leona Kingscholar
Brown Sienna 20/1
Twisted Wonderland Malleus Draconia
Green Green 20/1
Twisted Wonderland Riddle Rosehearts
Red Red 20/1
Twisted Wonderland Vil Schoenheit
Purple/Violet/Magenta SlateBlue 20/1
Umineko no Naku Koro ni Battler Ushiromiya
Red DarkRed 20/1
Umineko no Naku Koro ni Beatrice
Red Crimson 20/1
World of Warcraft Illidan Stormrage
Green LimeGreen 20/1
World of Warcraft Sylvanas Windrunner
Purple/Violet/Magenta DarkSlateBlue 20/1
World of Warcraft Thrall
Green Olive 20/1
Wuthering Waves Encore
Pink LightPink 20/1
Wuthering Waves Yangyang
Blue MidnightBlue 20/1
Wytchwood Wytchwood Characters
Red Firebrick 20/1
Zero Escape Carlos
Brown SandyBrown 20/1


Series Deckname Color Main Family #/$
Assassin's Creed Bayek and Aya
Brown SandyBrown 20/1
Assassin's Creed Jacob and Evie Frye
Brown RosyBrown 20/1
Atelier Lydie and Suelle
Purple/Violet/Magenta DarkViolet 20/1
Baldur's Gate Gale Dekarios and Astarion Ancunin
Blue MediumBlue 20/1
Diabolik Lovers Ayato and Yui
Red Firebrick 20/1
Diabolik Lovers Shuu and Yui
Blue CornflowerBlue 20/1
Final Fantasy VII and Remake Reno and Rude
Brown Maroon 20/1
Final Fantasy VIII Angelo & Rinoa
Blue LightSkyBlue 20/1
Final Fantasy VIII Squall and Rinoa
Blue RoyalBlue 20/1
Final Fantasy X and X-2 Tidus and Yuna
Pink LightPink 20/1
Final Fantasy XIV Alphinaud and Alisaie Leveilleur
Pink PaleVioletRed 20/1
Final Fantasy XIV Gaia and Ryne
Blue MidnightBlue 20/1
Final Fantasy XIV Sicard Spence and Emmanellain de Fortemps
Brown RosyBrown 20/1
Final Fantasy XVI Clive and Joshua Rosfield
Red FireBrick 20/1
Genshin Impact Alhaitham and Kaveh
Brown Goldenrod 20/1
Haven Kay and Yu
Blue SkyBlue 20/1
Kingdom Hearts Riku and Sora
Cyan CadetBlue 20/1
Life is Strange Maxine Caulfield and Chloe Price
Brown Chocolate 20/1
Legend of Heroes Crow and Rean
Cyan CadetBlue 20/1
League of Legends Rakan and Xayah
Pink MediumVioletRed 20/1
The Legend Of Zelda Link and Zelda
Cyan DarkTurquoise 20/1
Obey Me! Beelzebub and Belphegor
Orange OrangeRed 20/1
Obey Me! Lucifer and Mammon
Blue MediumBlue 20/1
Pokemon Red and Blue
Purple/Violet/Magenta DarkSlateBlue 20/1
Resident Evil Ada Wong and Leon S. Kennedy
Brown Brown 20/1
Sam & Max Sam and Max
Brown Sienna 20/1
Super Mario Daisy and Peach
Pink HotPink 20/1
Super Mario Mario and Peach
Red Crimson 20/1
Star Ocean Edge and Reimi
Blue SkyBlue 20/1
Sonic the Hedgehog Sonic and Shadow
Purple/Violet/Magenta Indigo 20/1
The Last of Us Ellie and Joel
Brown Sienna 20/1
Tales of Arise Alphen and Shionne
Blue LightSkyBlue 20/1


Series Deckname Color Main Family #/$
Sidequest 1st Anniversary
Purple/Violet/Magenta Plum 20/1
Sidequest Christmas
Red Red 20/1
Sidequest Favorite Female Character
Pink PaleVioletRed 20/1
Sidequest Favorite Game
Gray/Black DarkSlateGray 20/1
Sidequest Favorite JRPG
Pink MediumVioletRed 20/1
Sidequest Favorite Male Character
Brown Brown 20/1
Sidequest Favorite NPC
Brown Chocolate 20/1
Sidequest Favorite Pokemon
Orange Coral 20/1
Sidequest Favorite Villain
Blue MidnightBlue 20/1
Sidequest Grand Opening
Purple/Violet/Magenta MediumPurple 20/1
Sidequest New Year's 2024
Red Red 20/1
Sidequest Prejoin
Yellow Gold 20/1

Member Decks

Series Deckname Color Main Family #/$
Member Decks Lex One
Purple/Violet/Magenta Purple 20/1
Member Decks Loki One
Gray/Black Black 20/1
Member Decks Mysti One
Blue LightSteelBlue 20/1
Member Decks Samu One
Purple/Violet/Magenta Violet 20/1
Member Decks saya One
Purple/Violet/Magenta MediumPurple 20/1
Member Decks Yujing One
Purple/Violet/Magenta BlueViolet 20/1