Are you a fan of any videogames who loves to collect images that we call decks? Then welcome to Sidequest TCG, an online TCG that focuses on different videogames from various consoles. We currently have 979 active decks (+111 upcoming) with 41 active players (+1 pending). It was established on February 16, 2021 and it is currently maintained by saya. Interested? Please visit the about page for more information!


Hatoful Boyfriend

Hatoful Boyfriend: A School of Hope and White Wings is a Japanese dōjin soft otome visual novel released in 2011 for Microsoft Windows and OS X. It was developed by manga artist Hato Moa's dōjin circle PigeoNation Inc., and is the successor of a Flash game of the same name she created for April Fools' Day in 2011.

Deck Information

Deck/File Name: Hatoful Boyfriend (hboyfriend)
Set/Series: Hatoful Boyfriend
Made/Donated by: Mio / Mysti Color: Orchid
Released: 2023-09-26 Masterable: Yes
Wished by: Mysti, Inky
Mastered by: Mysti, Jamie, puddles, Yujing, Samu, Mio, Inky, Jessica, Cas, Sarah, Lulu, Claire, Mysti, Yujing, Mari, Mysti

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