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Nozomi Tojou

Nozomi Tojo is a main character in Love Live!. She was a third year student at Otonokizaka High School until she graduated in the anime's series finale, but still retained her status in Love Live! The School Idol Movie. She is a member of lily white, a sub-unit under μ's. Her image color is purple.

Nozomi is a third year student and the former vice-president of the school's student council, being succeeded by Umi Sonoda. She is originally from the Kansai region, and it is shown in Season 2 Episode 8 that she and her family had moved around for most of her childhood. However, she speaks in a relaxed Kansai dialect after having lived there for a few years during her childhood. She is fluent in a few other languages as well, including English. She is best friends with Eli Ayase.

Deck Information

Deck/File Name: Nozomi Tojou (llive-nozomi)
Set/Series: Love Live!
Made/Donated by: Mio / Selena Color: MediumPurple
Released: 2023-11-27 Masterable: Yes
Wished by: Cas, Selena, Kupo, Jessica, Lulu, Cassidy, portia, Minty
Mastered by: Yujing, Samu, Lulu, Mio, Cami, Cassidy, Yujing, portia, Lex

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