Are you a fan of any videogames who loves to collect images that we call decks? Then welcome to Sidequest TCG, an online TCG that focuses on different videogames from various consoles. We currently have 979 active decks (+111 upcoming) with 41 active players (+1 pending). It was established on February 16, 2021 and it is currently maintained by saya. Interested? Please visit the about page for more information!


Cards : Upcoming

Below you will find all of the upcoming card decks here at Sidequest TCG which are either complete (made but haven't been released) or incomplete (work in progress). Any decks that have been listed here are no longer subject for claiming or donation.

Recently Made

Do not take from these as they aren't released yet!

Upcoming Week's Releases

Deck Votes
Brynhildr 7
Operation Mi'ihen Part 2 7
Dragon Quest Treasures 6
Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne 5
Ch'en 5

Top 5 Donators

The data below shows only the decks that are already made.
Member Decks
saya 134
Samu 133
Mysti 117
Lex 67
Kupo 64

Series Category Deckname Color Main Family #/$
A3! Characters Omi Fushimi
Brown Chocolate 20/1
A3! Characters Taichi Nanao
Red Salmon 20/1
Ace Attorney Games Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
Red Firebrick 20/1
Arknights Characters Ch'en
Blue DarkBlue 20/1
Arknights Characters Lappland
Gray/Black DarkGray 20/1
Arknights Characters Swire
Green DarkSeaGreen 20/1
Arknights Characters Texas
Blue MidnightBlue 20/1
Atelier Games Atelier Firis: Alchemis & the Mysterious Journey
Blue LightSkyBlue 20/1
Against the Storm Games Against the Storm
Brown SaddleBrown 20/1
Broken Sword Games Broken Sword 1: The Shadow of the Templars
Brown SaddleBrown 20/1
Cult of the Lamb Scenes Hook, Lamb & Sinker
Red Crimson 20/1
Coffee Talk Games Coffee Talk Episode 2: Hibiscus & Butterfly
Brown SaddleBrown 20/1
Dead by Daylight Characters Killers
Gray/Black DarkGray 20/1
Dead by Daylight Characters Survivors
Brown Sienna 20/1
Death Come True Games Death Come True
Cyan DarkCyan 20/1
Dead Space Games Dead Space (2023)
Green OliveDrab 20/1
Diabolik Lovers Characters Ruki Mukami
Blue MidnightBlue 20/1
Dead or Alive Characters Helena Douglas
Red DarkRed 20/1
Dragon Quest Games Dragon Quest Treasures
Yellow Gold 20/1
Etrian Odyssey Games Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight
Green OliveDrab 20/1
Ensemble Stars! Scenes Black Out See Saw
Purple/Violet/Magenta DarkMagenta 20/1
Ensemble Stars! Scenes Eccentric Party Night
Pink MediumVioletRed 20/1
Ensemble Stars! Scenes Forbidden Rain
Purple/Violet/Magenta Indigo 20/1
Ensemble Stars! Scenes Helter-Spider
Purple/Violet/Magenta BlueViolet 20/1
Ensemble Stars! Characters Midori Takamine
Green ForestGreen 20/1
Ensemble Stars! Scenes Noir Neige
Blue SteelBlue 20/1
Ensemble Stars! Scenes Tsumi no Soko
Purple/Violet/Magenta Indigo 20/1
Ensemble Stars! Scenes Twilight Pentagram
Pink MediumVioletRed 20/1
Fate Characters Brynhildr
Purple/Violet/Magenta MediumPurple 20/1
Fate Characters Medusa Lily (Ana)
Purple/Violet/Magenta MediumOrchid 20/1
Fate Characters Oda Nobunaga
Red Red 20/1
Fate Characters Shuten Douji
Purple/Violet/Magenta MediumPurple 20/1
Final Fantasy IV Characters Rosa Farrell
Purple/Violet/Magenta Plum 20/1
Final Fantasy X and X-2 Scenes Operation Mi'ihen Part 2
Brown Peru 20/1
Final Fantasy XIII and XIII-2 Relationships Noel and Serah
Brown RosyBrown 20/1
Granblue Fantasy Characters Narmaya
Pink LightPink 20/1
Genshin Impact Characters Wriothesley
Gray/Black SlateGray 20/1
Haven Games Haven
Purple/Violet/Magenta DarkViolet 20/1
Hatoful Boyfriend Characters Nageki Fujishiro
Green OliveDrab 20/1
Hearthstone Characters Druid Heroes
Green LimeGreen 20/1
Hearthstone Characters Mage Heroes
Red Red 20/1
Hearthstone Characters Murloc Minions
Cyan LightSeaGreen 20/1
Hearthstone Characters Rogue Heroes
Blue SteelBlue 20/1
Hearthstone Characters Undead Minions 2
Cyan Aqua 20/1
Honkai Characters Boothill
Red Crimson 20/1
Honkai Characters Kevin Kaslana
Blue DeepSkyBlue 20/1
IDOLiSH7 Characters Riku Nanase
Red Red 20/1
Jujutsu Kaisen Games Jujutsu Kaisen: Cursed Clash
Brown Brown 20/1
Jujutsu Kaisen Characters Satoru Gojo
Blue DodgerBlue 20/1
Jujutsu Kaisen Characters Suguru Geto
Gray/Black Black 20/1
Jill of the Jungle Games Jill of the Jungle
Blue MediumBlue 20/1
Lamento -BEYOND THE VOID- Characters Bardo
Brown SaddleBrown 20/1
Lamento -BEYOND THE VOID- Characters Rai
Blue LightSkyBlue 20/1
Life is Strange Games Life is Strange 2
Gray/Black SlateGray 20/1
Last Legacy Characters Anisa Anka
Brown Brown 20/1
Last Legacy Characters Felix Iskandar Escellun
Purple/Violet/Magenta Purple 20/1
League of Legends Characters Leona
Orange OrangeRed 20/1
League of Legends Characters Malphite
Brown SaddleBrown 20/1
League of Legends Characters Poro Party 2
Orange Orange 20/1
League of Legends Characters Poro Party 3
Cyan Turquoise 20/1
Loom Games Loom
Blue MediumBlue 20/1
The Legend Of Zelda Games The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
Purple/Violet/Magenta SlateBlue 20/1
Little Witch in the Woods Games Little Witch in the Woods
Purple/Violet/Magenta Indigo 20/1
Melty Blood Games Melty Blood: Type Lumina
Blue Blue 20/1
Murder By Numbers Games Murder By Numbers
Blue CornflowerBlue 20/1
MeChat Characters Daniel Divies
Orange Orange 20/1
MeChat Characters Joon Hwang
Pink DeepPink 20/1
Minecraft Games Minecraft Legends
Blue SteelBlue 20/1
Norn9 Characters Itsuki Kagami
Purple/Violet/Magenta Plum 20/1
Norn9 Characters Mikoto Kuga
Yellow DarkKhaki 20/1
Norn9 Characters Natsuhiko Azuma
Green OliveDrab 20/1
Norn9 Characters Sakuya Nijou
Gray/Black DimGray 20/1
OneShot Games OneShot
Pink MediumVioletRed 20/1
Professor Layton Games Katrielle Layton and the Millionaires' Conspiracy
Brown Chocolate 20/1
Pokemon Characters Articuno
Blue DodgerBlue 20/1
Pokemon Characters Chandelure
Purple/Violet/Magenta SlateBlue 20/1
Ring Fit Adventure Games Ring Fit Adventure
Orange OrangeRed 20/1
Spirit City Games Spirit City: Lofi Sessions
Purple/Violet/Magenta MediumSlateBlue 20/1
Shadowrun Games Shadowrun: Hong Kong
Red DarkSalmon 20/1
Sam & Max Games Sam & Max Hit the Road
Brown RosyBrown 20/1
SMITE Characters Amaterasu
Yellow Gold 20/1
SMITE Characters Da Ji
Purple/Violet/Magenta MediumOrchid 20/1
SMITE Characters Loki
Blue MidnightBlue 20/1
SMITE Characters Neith
Purple/Violet/Magenta DarkOrchid 20/1
SMITE Characters Nu Wa
Red DarkRed 20/1
SMITE Characters Scylla
Yellow Gold 20/1
Shin Megami Tensei Games Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne
Brown Maroon 20/1
Shin Megami Tensei Games Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance
Blue DarkBlue 20/1
Super Robot Wars Games Super Robot Wars 30
Brown Goldenrod 20/1
SuperStar Games SuperStar ATEEZ
Gray/Black Black 20/1
Stardew Valley Characters Stardew Valley: Characters of 2
Brown Chocolate 20/1
Star Wars Characters Cal Kestis
Red Firebrick 20/1
Typing Chronicles Games Nanotale - Typing Chronicles
Cyan CadetBlue 20/1
The Devil Came Through Here Games Lorelai
Red DarkRed 20/1
The First Descendant Games The First Descendant
Cyan CadetBlue 20/1
The Infected Games The Infected
Gray/Black LightSlateGray 20/1
The Last of Us Games The Last of Us Left Behind
Blue MidnightBlue 20/1
The Mortuary Assistant Games The Mortuary Assistant
Brown Chocolate 20/1
Togainu no Chi Characters Shiki
Gray/Black Black 20/1
Terra Nil Games Terra Nil
Green OliveDrab 20/1
The Sims Characters Bella Goth
Red Red 20/1
The Sims Games The Sims 3
Green LimeGreen 20/1
Twisted Wonderland Characters Jamil Viper
Red DarkRed 20/1
World of Warcraft Scenes Harbingers Illidan Part 1
Brown Brown 20/1
World of Warcraft Scenes Harbingers Illidan Part 2
Green LimeGreen 20/1
World of Warcraft Scenes Harbingers Khadgar Part 1
Orange Coral 20/1
World of Warcraft Scenes Harbingers Khadgar Part 2
Brown SaddleBrown 20/1
World of Warcraft Scenes Warbringers Azshara
Pink MediumVioletRed 20/1
Wuthering Waves Characters Baizhi
Cyan LightSeaGreen 20/1
Wuthering Waves Characters Scar
Red Red 20/1
Wuthering Waves Characters Yinlin
Purple/Violet/Magenta DarkMagenta 20/1