Are you a fan of any videogames who loves to collect images that we call decks? Then welcome to Sidequest TCG, an online TCG that focuses on different videogames from various consoles. We currently have 775 active decks (+212 upcoming) with 50 active players (+1 pending). It was established on February 16, 2021 and it is currently maintained by saya. Interested? Please visit the about page for more information!

You think this is a GameBoy?

Members: There are currently no new members.
Games: Weekly, Set A

Hello, everybody! This is your first update with your co-admin Mio today! Yay! lol And I am here with some important business I hope everyone is ready! Strap in, guys.

So, as majority of you is already aware we ran into some problems with our deck naming system again. But it took us roughly over 2 weeks now to get some errors straightened out and decks fixed but that also made us run into a bigger problem. And thus we held a voting and waited for the results and it seems obvious that most of you are - maybe not happy haha - but content with our system so we will be leaving it as it. This is our final decision on this matter. AND this will also mean (which we have decided on as a team) that we will not be making any more changes to our system AND also not going to be changing any filenames of any currently released decks. This is to ensure we are not putting our members through more trouble than we already have. Of course any cosmetic changes are still going to happen. Us making spelling errors or forgetting to change a color on the deckk template can and will probably always happen and we will be making sure to supply everyone with the correct zip files from now on!

We are also taking this opportunity to thanking everyone for being so patient with us. We know our system is nuts but this is what we came up and we will be continuing to work with it. I hope everyone understands!

Also just for the future you guys do not have to worry about the filenames you are turning in anymore when claiming decks because we will be taking care of that as usual! We can put it whatever if you guys did something wrong when we add new decks so no one needs to worry. We appreciate everyone being so observant and keeping us in check tho!

And this is kind of related to that but just in case not everyone is checking both the SQ website and discord we made some changes to just a few decks and uploaded all that in a .zip already. But as already mentioned these will be the last big and annoying changes. The decks in question are: (that everyone need to edit in their card list manually to be up to date)

hzdawn-aloy is now horizon-aloy
hzerodawn is now hzdawn
p5-morgana is now persona-morgana
p2-isin is now persona2-isin
pq-sotlabyrinth is now personaq-sotlabyrinth
The zips are and will be available here.

Finally we will be giving out some compensation for the trouble and all the mess we caused these past 2 weeks! A random cards + a choice cards pack free for everyone!

Compensation Freebies

15 Random Cards&5 Choice Cards (with no limits!)

And we forgot to give out freebies for our dearest Aki's birthday?! How could we?!
AKIDAY2023 (with no limits!)

By the way! Thursday will be the 30th which means it will be the last day to turn in your monthly stuff! And just to remind everyone with November ending our generous donations will be coming to an end too. Starting from December it will go down to 10 claims and 4 max. per series! Everything that is left over from November and NOT turned in will also be deleted so we have a fresh start into the new month. So only 4 days left don't forget.

Other than that we are good to go with the usual update I think! Everyone play games, take your pulls and have a nice week. Thank you for listening/reading, hehe.

Mio out!

Wishing Stars

Kindly take a total max of 2 cards per deck if there are no restrictions indicated.

  1. JunI wish for choice cards spelling Horror!   
  2. HersheyI wish for double game rewards from the Set A set!    No need to refresh the rewards page!
  3. LokiI wish for choice cards spelling TURKEY!   

New Releases

Click here for your deck release pulls.

Loading Progress

Members: There are currently no new members.
Games: Weekly, Set B

In the end I never updated the placeholder update last week, we did some work nehind the curtains that is not yet finished (*cough card filenames and names and stuff cough*). When it is finished it will be all announced and explained and passed zips and things yes...

But in the middle of the work and stuff, I (saya) got sick (thank you secondborn for passing me your cold), then Mio cought something (idk maybe I passed it tru discord) and Aki got swamped by her job RL and we kinda sloed down on all the stuff that we ment to FINISH this week, so yeah... go us!

And yeah it's again a double deck release wish day, as there were so many wishes with that, that even after uniting them with 3 people I still have to find a way not to get all the decks released at once!

Also you probably noticed that I changed the Higher and Lower out for War in weeklies, because it was not doable doing it manualy, so till I am sure cron actually works, we will not have Higher and Lower (cron works half - it releases the decks and wishes).

Event Cards

Event Cards (November 20, 2023): ec-150decks

Wishing Stars

Kindly take a total max of 2 cards per deck if there are no restrictions indicated.

  1. AshleyI wish for double game rewards from the Weekly set!    No need to refresh the rewards page!
  2. Ouji, puddles, samuI wish for double deck release!    And everything multiplies~
  3. MystiI wish for 8 choice pack from any deck!   

New Releases

Click here for your deck release pulls.