Are you a fan of any videogames who loves to collect images that we call decks? Then welcome to Sidequest TCG, an online TCG that focuses on different videogames from various consoles. We currently have 918 active decks (+128 upcoming) with 39 active players (+1 pending). It was established on February 16, 2021 and it is currently maintained by saya. Interested? Please visit the about page for more information!


Members: There are currently no new members.
Masteries: Gaelle (bgate-astarion, ffantasyvii-renorude, ffantasyx2-paine, ffantasyxiii, ffantasyxiv-alphinaud, ffantasyxiv-aymeric, ffantasyxv-ignis, twonderland-idia); Lee (acrossing-jock1, acrossing-nleaf, acrossing-smug1, fate-mordred, fate-saberlily, ffantasyviii-squall, ittwo, kdbuffet, lozelda-wwaker, okami-amaterasu, pokemon-crystal, pokemon-hgss, pokemon-yellow); Lex (ehrgeiz-gbtring, ezone, ffantasyx2-1000words1, meffect, pokemon-tcgame, tekken-nina, tsims, twonderland-leona, zescape-999); Loki (acreed-syndicate, ffantasyx2-paine); Lulu (acrossing-jock1, persona-rise, sq-grandopening); Sasha (ffantasyx-tidus); Yujing (aattorney-pwddestinies, bdream-yukina, gimpact-eula, gimpact-nahida) — Keep up the good work!
Level Ups: Gaelle (First Timer > Casual); Lee (Casual > Core); Lulu (Import > Online); Samu (Collector > Hardcore) — Good job, congrats!

Ok, HI, and I am passing again to drafts, because I think I saw what I think did that there was no update date on the games - somehow the update decided to be 10th and not 11th - I will leave the update as 10th because if not I need to go check every deck released to change the date!

Little explanation to why it arrived to this, USA change ealier to daylight saving time thank Europe, Dreamhost's servers are based in USA and my timer had it for midnight in EU, but it happened one hour earlier so it updated on 10th EU time (11pm) and that ment that everythign released is on 10th but that's why the updater for the dates on game did NOT change! Next week should be ok, I will still let it in draft and check it in the morning before releasing it!

I kinda did panicked here around this, because but now it's making me laugh! But i kinda panicked that something broke! Will have to rechange the cron in DH when EU passes in Daylight saving time (which will be March 31st).

Wishing Stars

Kindly take a total max of 2 cards per deck if there are no restrictions indicated.

  1. LuluI wish for choice cards spelling VALENTINES!   
  2. ClaireI wish for choice cards spelling LovelyValentines Day2024!   
  3. LexI wish for double game rewards from the Set B set!    No need to refresh the rewards page!

New Releases

Click here for your deck release pulls.

Start New MONTH

Members: There are currently no new members.
Masteries: Cassidy (bdream-arisa, gimpact-alhaithamkaveh, gimpact-kazuha, kdbuffet, llive-nico, llive-nozomi, llive-ruby); Eli (gimpact-alhaithamkaveh, tarcana-julian); Kirai (ffantasyx-rikku, ffantasyx2-1000words1, ffantasyxiv-alphinaudalisaie, persona-rise); Kupo (toarise-alphenshionne); Lina (bioshock-infinite, coduty-ghost, coduty-soap, dage-romances, dage-tarots, ffantasyix-kuja, ffantasyvii, ffantasyx-rikku, ffantasyxv-ignis, hearthstone-sheroes, khearts-riku, khearts-sora, listrange, llive-ruby, lomana, pokemon-clefable, pokemon-eevee, portal-chell, twitness); Mysti (aattorney-phoenix, dage-tarots, fate-mordred, ffantasy-carbuncles, ffantasyxiv-ryne, pokemon-clefable); Samu (ffantasyxiv-erenville, mhunter-palamutes, ome-beelzebub, pokemon-umbreon); saya (a3-juza, acreed-syndicate, arknights-feliner, coduty-ghost, coduty-soap, dage-cullen, ffantasyxiv-emetselch, ffantasyxiv-haurchefant, ffantasyxvi-cid, mhunter-stories2, opiece-ace, soulcalibur-xianghua, tlodragoon-meru); Yujing (arknights-skadi, estars-izumi, gimpact-alhaithamkaveh, gimpact-itto, llive-nozomi, lolegends-rakanxayah) — Keep up the good work!
Level Ups: Cassidy (Casual > Core); Cassidy (First Timer > Casual); Cassidy (Observer > First Timer); Kupo (Retro > Collector); saya (Online > Retro) — Good job, congrats!
Games: Weekly, Special, Set A

let us enjoy it

It's morning I have no idea what to write, but I want to release everything, thank god the cron job is working so, I actually just need to write the update, that I can edit once I actually have the head to do it!

There is also a double deck wish, and I must say it's fun seeing for once voted all different series and not five of the same! So please do enjoy it!


With all weird stuff going on please enjoy:

- I am giving you some freebies because I feel we were really slow on doing some stuff and I feel a little guilty so here you go this 6 CHOICE CARDS (LIMIT 2 cards per deck)

Wishing Stars

Kindly take a total max of 2 cards per deck if there are no restrictions indicated.

  1. Lulu / OujiI wish for double deck release!    And everything multiplies~
  2. LeeI wish for double game rewards from the Weekly set!    No need to refresh the rewards page!

New Releases

Click here for your deck release pulls.