May 27, 2024 saya 15 Comments
...update day and loading issues...Posted on May 27, 2024
Members: | scott — Welcome to the TCG! |
Masteries: | Lex (bdream-chisato, ffantasyxv-aranea, ffantasyxvi-kisstoremember, ffantasyxvi-torgal, gimpact-alhaitham, gimpact-nahida, listrange, pokemon-pichu, psekai-kohane, psekai-saki); Loki (danganronpa-komaeda, ffantasyxiv-hythlodaeus); Samu (bdream-moca, castlevania-aosorrow, fate-sakura, ffantasyvi-terra, ffantasyxii-penelo, mmessenger-zen, ome-beelzebub, pokemon-pichu, shill2, soulcalibur-talim); Star (ffantasyx2-realemotion1, ffantasyx2-realemotion2, ffantasyxiv-aymeric, gimpact-ayaka, gimpact-lanternrite, ladeepspace-officialreleasepv, ladeepspace-xavier, lolegends-everythinggoesonpv1, lolegends-soraka, overwatch-dva, overwatch-mercy) — Keep up the good work! |
Level Ups: | Loki (Collector > Hardcore); Star (Casual > Core) — Good job, congrats! |
Referrals: | Aki (x1) — Thank you for promoting Sidequest TCG! |
Games: | Weekly, Special, Set A |
So this morning i wanted to update everything and then dreamhost was like, no you shall not touch the Database! But at least the update was made, and I did manage yo upload as they should have been our first Member Decks!
So member decks - we have Samu and Yujing that finished their first member decks, which became part of the normal decks, and everyone will be able to collect them and master them, while their creators can already master them!
Now let's say this is the last update before the new month so till Friday 11:59pm, you have time to turn in your donations and monthly challenges. If you need extentions for the donations do not hesitate to poke us about and we will work according about it.
I will try to solve as many things as i can in the next month, because let's face it once the early access (June 28th) for Dawntrail drops I will give that my whole attention as I have to finish it before I depart with kids to be somewhere that I will have just mobile internet! - that would be from July 11th to August 15th. Which means uploading stuff will be kind of impossible for me, I still will be able to check errors and things like that! Just I will be less online that I am home (Like I have PC running while doing chores).
Let's hope that this DH database issue will soon get solved so we can do stuff! Personally I am going to try and finish the batch of decks I have hanging there to be finished and then start a new batch! - If you did not yet you can request 2 decks to be made so we can wrok on them!
With this I can just tell you see you on Saturday on 1st June!
Wishing Stars
Kindly take a total max of 2 cards per deck if there are no restrictions indicated.
- Kayori — I wish for double game rewards from the Weekly set! No need to refresh the rewards page!
- Lulu — I wish for choice cards spelling THANKYOUMOMMY!
New Releases
Click here for your deck release pulls.
15 Comments to ...update day and loading issues...
Wishes Lulu : dage-alistair19, ffantasyxiv-hermes14, bgate-galeastarion20, pokemon-yellow03, ffantasyxiv-kane08, meffect-reyes13, acreed-ezio10, ffantasyxiv-urianger16, ome-mammon12, acreed-ezio11, ome-mammon16, pokemon-yellow04, meffect-reyes15
Deck Release (2024-05-27): danganronpa-celestia01, danganronpa-celestia02, digimon-csleuth01, digimon-csleuth02, ffantasyxiv-anewadventure16, ffantasyxiv-anewadventure17, persona-haru01, persona-haru02, aattorney-franziska01, aattorney-franziska02
Wishes Lulu : ffantasyix02, ffantasyxii-ashelia12, ffantasyxiv-thancred16, ffantasyix03, pokemon-nsnap08, aattorney-apollo18, persona3-portable12, ffantasyxiv-anewadventure03, ffantasyxiv-hermes01, persona3-portable14, ffantasyxiv-hermes02, pokemon-nsnap16, aattorney-apollo16
Wishes Lulu : overwatch-mercy04, overwatch-mercy06, pvzombies2-itsabouttime03, lolegends-caitlyn04, unpacking01, lolegends-caitlyn05, pvzombies2-itsabouttime04, detroit-bhuman01, detroit-bhuman02, acrossing-pcamp01, acrossing-pcamp02, lolegends-nami01, horizon-aloy01
Deck Release (2024-05-27): aattorney-franziska01, aattorney-franziska02, danganronpa-celestia01, danganronpa-celestia02, persona-haru04, persona-haru05, lolegends-missfortune19, lolegends-missfortune20, psekai-minori19, psekai-minori20
Deck Release (2024-05-27): danganronpa-celestia14, danganronpa-celestia15, lolegends-missfortune05, lolegends-missfortune08, digimon-csleuth19, digimon-csleuth20, aattorney-franziska18, aattorney-franziska02, persona-haru13, persona-haru04
Wishes Lulu : mgsolid-otacon01, khearts-sora02, dage-vivienne06, pokemon-eevee02, pokemon-eevee03, tekken-xiaoyu04, spyro-spyro01, tekken-xiaoyu05, pokemon-clefable03, spyro-spyro18, pokemon-clefable11, mgsolid-otacon05, ffantasy-carbuncles01
Deck Release (2024-05-27): lolegends-missfortune11, lolegends-missfortune12, psekai-minori01, psekai-minori02, digimon-csleuth13, hlegacy-dragonsattack13, persona-haru13, persona-haru12, danganronpa-celestia13, tozesteria-rose13
Deck Release (2024-05-27): persona-haru10, persona-haru12, danganronpa-celestia06, danganronpa-celestia16, aattorney-franziska05, aattorney-franziska19, psekai-minori01, psekai-minori12, tozesteria-rose09, tozesteria-rose17
Deck Release (2024-05-27): ffantasyxiv-anewadventure07, ffantasyxiv-anewadventure13, digimon-csleuth07, digimon-csleuth13, danganronpa-celestia15, hlegacy-dragonsattack15, aattorney-franziska15, persona-haru15, lolegends-missfortune15, tozesteria-rose15
Deck Release (2024-05-27): tozesteria-rose07, tozesteria-rose13, ffantasyxiv-anewadventure07, ffantasyxiv-anewadventure11, danganronpa-celestia06, mprom-damien10, digimon-csleuth15, hlegacy-dragonsattack17, aattorney-franziska09, psekai-minori04
Deck Release (2024-05-27): lolegends-missfortune18, lolegends-missfortune19, ffantasyxiv-anewadventure17, ffantasyxiv-anewadventure18, danganronpa-celestia05, mprom-damien04, digimon-csleuth06, aattorney-franziska15, persona-haru13, psekai-minori10
Wishes Lulu : meffect-eartharrival07, meffect-eartharrival14, ffantasyxiv-alphinaud02, ffantasyxiv-alphinaud04, ffantasyiv-kain03, dage-teyrnofhighever02, ffantasy-wol05, dage-cullen02, digimon-cshmemory20, ffantasy-wol08, sq-favoritepokemon01, sq-favoritepokemon05, dage-teyrnofhighever03
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