Are you a fan of any videogames who loves to collect images that we call decks? Then welcome to Sidequest TCG, an online TCG that focuses on different videogames from various consoles. We currently have 918 active decks (+128 upcoming) with 39 active players (+1 pending). It was established on February 16, 2021 and it is currently maintained by saya. Interested? Please visit the about page for more information!

almost new month

Members: Andrea, Star — Welcome to the TCG!
Masteries: Eli (fallout3, unnkni-mtsnrondo); Lee (fate-fou); Lex (bioshock-elizabeth, dage-tarots, ffantasyx-yuna, gimpact-kaveh, gimpact-scaramouche, lozelda-linkzelda, overwatch-mercy, pokemon-yellow, spyro-rtrilogy, sq-prejoin, tovesperia, wowarcraft-sylvanas); Loki (dage-tarots, dishonored, fallout3, ffantasyxiv-crystalexarch, ffantasyxiv-erenville); Lulu (estars-izumi, estars-leo, hboyfriend-hstar, twonderland-idia); portia (gimpact-kaveh, gimpact-nilou, gimpact-scaramouche, mmessenger-jaehee, mmessenger-jumin); Samu (bdream-yukina, bgate3, fate-kama, ffantasyxiv-crystalexarch, ffantasyxvi-awakening, lolegends-ahri, lolegends-jayce, pokemon-lgplge, reverse1999, tsims2, unpacking); Yujing (aattorney-phoenix, bdream-chisato, diisland, estars-leo, gimpact-zhongli, ladeepspace-rafayel, ladeepspace-zayne, pokemon-pichu, psekai-akito, psekai-mizuki, psekai-toya, wowarcraft-mopandariatrailer) — Keep up the good work!
Level Ups: Eli (Online > Retro); Lee (Core > Import) — Good job, congrats!
Referrals: Jessica (x1) — Thank you for promoting Sidequest TCG!
Games: Weekly, Special, Set B

Good day everyone!

Here it's the last update before the new Month, and April 1st falls on a Monday so the next update will be together and a little later in the day so every game will be done and everything will be prepared as it should have been.

First thing remember if you claimed (or if you want to donate) you have a week to turn in your donations - 10 donations max 4 from same Series!

For the new members, please join our Discord to apply for the Member Card in the drop-offs chanell.

For those who have participated in the Valentine's Event (I uploaded also all the master badges on the event page), please do not forget to apply for your Milestone Card in the MILESTONE Thread in the discord (thank you Samu for reminding me about that).

Also wanted to remind you, that Monthly Challenge will be ending in a week, so you have till Sunday to finish!


Event Cards (25th March 2024): ec-spring2024


I think this will be all for this week, also if you did not yet requested for a deck to be made from the Donations so you can start voting for it! We are making this a monthly thing!

Wishing Stars

Kindly take a total max of 2 cards per deck if there are no restrictions indicated.

  1. GaelleI wish for choice cards spelling SUGARHEARTS!   
  2. CassidyI wish for choice cards spelling PAIRINGS!   

New Releases

Click here for your deck release pulls.


Members: There are currently no new members.
Masteries: Claire (dage-alistair, dage-anders, dage-cullen, dage-dorian, dage-fenris, dage-inquisition, dage-sacredashes, dage-sera, detroit-bhuman, digimon-survive, ffantasyi, ffantasyviir-wedge, ffantasyx, ffantasyx-yuna, ffantasyxiv-erenville, ffantasyxv-aranea, ffantasyxv-ignis, ffantasyxv-prompto, hlegacy-cinematic, khearts-ventus, meffect, meffect-garrus, meffect-joker, opiece-ace, poeternity, pokemon-lgplge, sq-christmas, unpacking); Eli (aattorney-klavier, dage-lastofline, pokemon-tcgame, tarcana-portia, unnkni, unnkni-mtsnrondo, zescape-999); Jessica (ladeepspace-zayne); Jun (ffantasyx, ffantasyx-rikku, pokemon-platinum); Kupo (acrossing-nleaf, croc2, fallout4, ffantasyviir-wedge, ffantasyx2-realemotion1, ffantasyxv-gladiolus, minecraft, overwatch-mercy, pokemon-tcgame, soseasons-awlife); Lee (fate-gorder, persona-futaba, persona-rise, persona-yusuke, pokemon-tcgame); Loki (acreed2, ccross, dage-lastofline, dage-sacredashes, dquest-builders2, ffantasyxiv-yshtola, hfwest, khearts, wowarcraft-sylvanas); Mysti (fate-saberlily, ffantasyiv, ffantasyxiv-crystalexarch, ffantasyxiv-shbtrailer2, hboyfriend-hstar, hzdawn, mhunter-palicoes, persona2-isin, smtensei-frosts); Ouji (danganronpa-komaeda, tlodragoon-meru); Samu (acrossing-smug1, ffantasyx-yuna, ffantasyxiv-graha, ladeepspace-rafayel, lolegends-lux, mhunter-poogies); Sasha (ffantasyviii-rinoa, ffantasyx2-1000words2, swjedi-forder); Yujing (aacademy, doalive-ayane, ffantasyxiv-cinematictrailer, gimpact-alhaitham, gimpact-ayaka, gimpact-furina, gimpact-xiao, ittwo, kdbuffet, lomana, playton5, pokemon-yellow, psekai-kohane) — Keep up the good work!
Level Ups: Claire (Collector > Hardcore); Lex (Online > Retro); Loki (Retro > Collector); Sasha (First Timer > Casual) — Good job, congrats!
Games: Weekly, Special, Set A

Hello everyone!

I had completely forgotten to change the placeholder text for today's update so here it is finally edited in the morning instead! Well, us Europeans morning lol We do not have too much to report BUT saya wanted to let everyone know she wasn't feeling too well over the weekend but we will catch up with everything soon as usual! We have also hit 400 decks - who ever expected that! Not me! lol Make sure to take the event card for it~

That is all for now! Mio out!

Event Cards

Event Cards (18th March 2024): ec-400decks, ec-whiteday2024

A little oopsie!

Saya was able to catch an error with one of our cards (because the image was used on Sakura too ;P) so the image has been swatched out and whoever owns this cards just needs to upload the new version.

Wishing Stars

Kindly take a total max of 2 cards per deck if there are no restrictions indicated.

  1. EliI wish for choice cards spelling CHOCOLATES!   
  2. LokiI wish for choice cards spelling LUCKY2024!   

New Releases

Click here for your deck release pulls.