June 24, 2024 saya 16 Comments
surviving the chaosPosted on June 24, 2024
Members: | There are currently no new members. |
Masteries: | Claire (dage-cullen, ffantasy-wol, ffantasyxiv-alphinaud, ffantasyxiv-erichthonios, ffantasyxiv-graha, ffantasyxiv-hien, ffantasyxiv-thancred, ffantasyxiv-urianger, ffantasyxv-prompto, horizon-aloy, khearts-axel, meffect-eartharrival, mhunter-palicoes, pokemon-gengar, pokemon-zoroark, wowarcraft-tbcrusadetrailer, wowarcraft-wrathofthelichkingtrailer); Mysti (sq-grandopening, toarise-dohalim); Samu (bdream-chu, bdream-yukina, fate-fou, ffantasyvii-zack, gimpact-childe, llive-nico, smtensei-frosts); Sasha (shill2, totrail) — Keep up the good work! |
Level Ups: | Sasha (Core > Import) — Good job, congrats! |
Games: | Weekly, Special, Set A |
Yeah we are trying to do our best (ps for the new members I approved you after the update so you will apear in the next update - please request your member card in the drop offs chanel in discord)
Let's start with I am not lot around, well today my secondborn is going with my mom few weeks earlier to Slvenia, while with my firstborn we will go later, which means with just one kid at home I should be able to catch on everything - FF14 will be down from 26th till 28th so during these two days I'll try to catch up at all the things I am behind on (milestones, remasteries, member cards), so if you need any milestone (like birthday ones) please do post them now in discord so we will be working on them as soon as possible
You probably noticed we have made an announcment for deckmakers, while we already recieved some applications, do not hesitate to send, prolly by 1st July we will decide who will be joining the team.
Whihc bring us this is the last update before the monthly one so send in your wishes, your claims and donations, you have till next monday to do so! Keep in mind that that update will be later, not automatic, but will try to get it to work asap, as I plan to prepare everything in advance so it will be just me uplading things.
Event Cards
Event Cards (24th June 2024): ec-summer2024
So for those who preordered Final Fantasy XIV know that this Friday we get to finally start the early access for the Dawntrail expansion and getting our fuzzygirls for us to play with - anyway I am giving some freebis for everyone to enjoy as much as us FF14 players will enjoy our Early Access! - Early Access DTWishing Stars
Kindly take a total max of 2 cards per deck if there are no restrictions indicated.
- saya — I wish for 10 choice pack from any deck!
- Cas — I wish for double game rewards from the Set A set! No need to refresh the rewards page!
New Releases
Click here for your deck release pulls.
16 Comments to surviving the chaos
Wishes saya : meffect-reyes18, ome-mammon17, ome-mammon18, pokemon-yellow14, pokemon-yellow15, ffantasyxiv-sicard04, ffantasyxiv-sicard08, ffantasyxiv-meteor06, ffantasyxiv-meteor07, ffantasyxiv-venat06
Wishes saya : ffantasyxiv-anewadventure14, ffantasyxiv-anewadventure15, ffantasyxiv-endwalker09, ffantasyxiv-endwalker10, ffantasyxiv-feoul07, ffantasyxiv-feoul08, ffantasyxiv-hwtrailer107, ffantasyxiv-hwtrailer108, ffantasyxiv-merlywb18, ffantasyxiv-merlywb19
Deck Release (2024-06-24): pokemon-giratina01, pokemon-giratina02, tekken-emilie01, tekken-emilie02, ptrapper05, ptrapper06, meffect-earthfight08, meffect-earthfight10, vtmswansong11, vtmswansong12
Freebies #25 (2024-06-24): smtensei-dsshackers09, zescape-ztdilemma03, smtensei-dsshackers13, zescape-ztdilemma13, ffantasyix06, ffantasyix13, ffantasyxiv-thancred19, ffantasyxiv-thancred13, pokemon-nsnap07, ffantasyxiv-hermes08, ffantasyxiv-hermes04, ffantasyxiv-eshades08, meffect-endofnormandy10
Deck Release (2024-06-24): acreed-origins14, acreed-origins13, doomnia-charactersof115, doomnia-charactersof120, pokemon-giratina13, pokemon-giratina20, meffect-earthfight04, subnautica-belowzero01, tekken-emilie05, vtmswansong11
Deck Release (2024-06-24): ptrapper19, ptrapper20, pokemon-giratina19, pokemon-giratina20, vtmswansong19, vtmswansong20, lolegends-teemo19, lolegends-teemo20, meffect-earthfight19, meffect-earthfight20
Deck Release (2024-06-24): lolegends-teemo13, lolegends-teemo12, pokemon-giratina03, pokemon-giratina04, tekken-emilie13, tekken-emilie18, acreed-origins13, acreed-origins03, ptrapper06, ptrapper09
Freebies #25 (2024-06-24): fate-illyasviel13, smario-yoshi12, smario-yoshi15, fate-illyasviel17, smario-yoshi20, smario-yoshi19, gimpact-hu19, gimpact-hu20, gimpact-klee14, smario-yoshi17, smario-yoshi18, lolegends-popstarsmv207, gimpact-hu14
Wishes saya : dage-vivienne20, ffantasy-carbuncles13, gimpact-furina20, gimpact-itto03, gimpact-itto09, mgsolid-otacon06, mgsolid-otacon14, pokemon-clefable12, pokemon-clefable17, pokemon-eevee08
Freebies #25 (2024-06-24): dage-inquisition03, ffantasyxiv-aymeric07, dage-alistair16, ffantasyxiv-alisaie04, ffantasyxiv-alphinaud10, ffantasyxiv-graha04, meffect-fshepard18, meffect-garrus07, meffect07, okami-amaterasu14, toarise-rinwell02, toarise-dohalim12, toarise-alphen08
Wishes saya : ffantasyxiv-ryne11, ffantasyx2-1000words109, ffantasyvii-zack13, ffantasyx2-1000words214, ffantasyxiv-endwalker15, ffantasyxiv-sbtrailer107, khearts-3d12, toarise-shionne02, totabyss-anise09, tovesperia-yuri07
Wishes (Saya) : ctrigger16, ctrigger18, ffantasyix-kuja09, ffantasyix-kuja13, ffantasyvii02, ffantasyvii03, ffantasy-carbuncles10, ffantasy-carbuncles11, ffantasy-moogles19, ffantasy-moogles20
Freebies: alice-mreturns13, wowarcraft-illidan20, psekai-ena03, ffantasyxv-gladiolus12, yakuza-likeadragonlaunchtrailer16, dquest-builders218, ffantasyxiii11, dage-teyrnofhighever03, ome-intro209, gimpact-eula01
Event: ec-summer2024
Wishes saya : khearts-ansem19, khearts-ansem18, persona-morgana12, persona-morgana10, dage-fenris18, dage-fenris17, ffantasy-moogles16, ffantasy-moogles14, sq-christmas11, sq-favoritepokemon19
Deck Release (2024-06-24): acreed-origins07, acreed-origins13, tekken-emilie06, pokemon-giratina06, doomnia-charactersof106, mprom-oz06, ptrapper06, meffect-earthfight06, lolegends-teemo06, vtmswansong06
Event Cards (24th June 2024): ec-summer2024
Wishes saya : ome-intro113, ome-intro115, ffantasy-moogles04, ffantasy-moogles16, ffantasyxv-aranea03, ffantasyxv-aranea05, persona-yusuke05, persona-yusuke07, mmessenger-yoosung15, mmessenger-yoosung16
Deck Release (2024-06-24): tekken-emilie14, tekken-emilie15, acreed-origins05, pokemon-giratina14, pokemon-giratina05, doomnia-charactersof101, lolegends-teemo01, lolegends-teemo08, vtmswansong15, mprom-oz07
Wishes saya : aattorney-maya02, aattorney-maya03, aattorney-franziska03, aattorney-franziska04, acrossing-nhorizons03, acrossing-nhorizons04, ctalk03, ctalk04, ccross01, ccross02
Deck Release (2024-06-24): pokemon-giratina01, pokemon-giratina02, ptrapper05, ptrapper10, lolegends-teemo06, lolegends-teemo12, vtmswansong07, vtmswansong14, tekken-emilie08, tekken-emilie16
Wishes saya : aattorney-maya02, aattorney-maya03, aattorney-franziska03, aattorney-franziska04, acrossing-nhorizons03, acrossing-nhorizons04, ctalk03, ctalk04, ccross01, ccross02
Deck Release (2024-06-24): pokemon-giratina01, pokemon-giratina02, ptrapper05, ptrapper10, lolegends-teemo06, lolegends-teemo12, vtmswansong07, vtmswansong14, tekken-emilie08, tekken-emilie16
Just adding that I got Event Achievement: ec-june2024, Season Achievement: ec-summer2024 and Season Achievement: ec-spring2024 (from yesterday join, hopefully that is okay!)
Freebies #25 (2024-06-24): dmcry-vergil05, ffantasyiv-kain04, wowarcraft-mopandariatrailer04, pokemon-platinum01, ffantasyx-tidusyuna01, wowarcraft-mopandariatrailer06, ffantasyxiv-haurchefant03, ffantasyxiv-haurchefant05, dmcry-vergil06, ffantasyiv-kain05, dage-risetopower08, ffantasyx-tidusyuna04, pokemon-platinum02
Wishes saya : dmcry-vergil07, dmcry-vergil10, ffantasyiv-kain06, ffantasyiv-kain09, pokemon-platinum03, pokemon-platinum04, wowarcraft-mopandariatrailer12, wowarcraft-mopandariatrailer13, ffantasyx-tidusyuna05, ffantasyx-tidusyuna06
Event Cards (24th June 2024): ec-summer2024
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