May 02, 2024 saya 12 Comments
it's mayPosted on May 02, 2024
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Games: | Monthly |
sorry for not being here on the first, 1st May is kinda really really hard to do, had whole familly home, promissed kids to take them to the pool, then my cousin had to pass for a visit, she should have come around 5pm but she got lost so I ended trying to find her with the car, in the end she arrived for 9pm and then I took her home with car, to not risk her getting lost AGAIN, while I hoped to do update yesterday night I ended going to sleep.
I will try to catch all the stuff that is needed to be done (remasdteries, milestones, rewards and everything) soon, like probably tomorrow, and also with Mio we are trying to make as much decks as we can (again now you can request 2 decks to be made in our deck request chanell), as summer time especially from begining of July (around 11th) and till end of August I will defo not be much around, like will try to do bare minimum, but being at my parents place where my only internet is mobile one it is kinda no go
Anyway NEW month you can claim up to 10 donations, 4 max per series
Event Cards
Event Cards (1st May 2024): ec-may2024
Monthly Challenge
We are again at that point of the month, where we are talking Monthly Challenge! First thing I need to precise, so we do not forget (I tend to do that too) THE DECK YOU ARE USING FOR YOUR CHALLENGE ON THE FIRST DAY OF THE MONTH HAS TO HAVE 10 OR LESS CARDS (means you have to own 10 or less for it to count)! The rewards are 30 random cards this month. So let's tell you what is the challenge
Monthly Challnge: May 2024
- Master 2 yellow, 2 green and 2 grey decks (can be remasteries)
- Trade 100 times (4 trademeters)
- SPELL: OFF DAYS (cards will be lost)
Wishing Stars
Kindly take a total max of 2 cards per deck if there are no restrictions indicated.
12 Comments to it's may
Event Cards (1st May 2024): ec-may2024
Event Cards (1st May 2024): ec-may2024
Event Cards (1st May 2024): ec-may2024
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