Are you a fan of any videogames who loves to collect images that we call decks? Then welcome to Sidequest TCG, an online TCG that focuses on different videogames from various consoles. We currently have 478 active decks (+161 upcoming) with 41 active players (+1 pending). It was established on February 16, 2021 and it is currently maintained by saya. Interested? Please visit the about page for more information!

I used to play sports.
Posted on January 08, 2024

Members: portia — Welcome to the TCG!
Masteries: there's a lot — Keep up the good work!
Level Ups: there's a few — Good job, congrats!
Games: Weekly, Set A

But then I took an arrow to the knee.


Today's update is with your co-admin! Can you guys believe we are already a whole week into 2024?! We hope everyone had a good start into the new year and stayed healthy! Or at least mostly :,D

But there isn't anything too important to report - we still have 3 weeks to work on the monthly stuff after all. And boy am I glad because yours truly hasn't done much productive yet except play Baldur's Gate 3, hehehe.

We will get back into things tho and get all your custom graphics made and added to the site and everything else caught up soon, yep yep.

Oh, yeah! Card Claim and Melting Pot will be refreshed by saya tomorrow morning our time! Mio doesn't know how to do it by herself lmao saya updated Card Claim and Melting Pot and saya will teach Mio how to do it, so when needed - she can do it alone

Wishing Stars

Kindly take a total max of 2 cards per deck if there are no restrictions indicated.

  1. JamieI wish for double deck release!    And everything multiplies~
  2. CassidyI wish for double game rewards from the Weekly set!    No need to refresh the rewards page!

New Releases

Click here for your deck release pulls.

18 Comments to I used to play sports.

  • Deck Release (2024-01-08): ffantasyxv-aranea01, ffantasyxv-aranea02, ffantasyxvi-cid03, ffantasyxvi-cid04, ffantasyxiv-crystalexarch05, ffantasyxiv-crystalexarch06, ffantasyxiii07, ffantasyxiii08, fate-fou01, fate-fou02, hboyfriend-hstar09, hboyfriend-hstar10, acrossing-jock101, acrossing-jock102, gimpact-kazuha11, gimpact-kazuha12, stray13, stray14, udawn15, udawn16

  • Deck Release (2024-01-08): ffantasyxiii01, ffantasyxiii02, medge01, medge02, tsims201, tsims202, udawn01, udawn02, ffantasyxv-aranea01, ffantasyxvi-cid01, cgrove01, ffantasyxiv-crystalexarch01, fate-fou01, smtensei-frosts01, hboyfriend-hstar01, meffect-joker01, acrossing-jock101, acrossing-jock102, lolegends-morgana01, ffantasyviir-wedge01

  • Deck Release (2024-01-08): gimpact-kazuha02, gimpact-kazuha03 (2/20)

  • Deck Release (2024-01-08): meffect-joker01, meffect-joker02, ffantasyxiv-crystalexarch01, ffantasyxiv-crystalexarch02, ffantasyxiii01, ffantasyxiii02, ffantasyviir-wedge01, ffantasyviir-wedge02, ffantasyxvi-cid01, ffantasyxvi-cid02, ffantasyxv-aranea01, ffantasyxv-aranea02, cgrove01, fate-fou02, smtensei-frosts03, hboyfriend-hstar04, acrossing-jock105, gimpact-kazuha06, medge07, tidolmaster-mizuki08

  • Deck Release (2024-01-08): ffantasyxiv-crystalexarch18, ffantasyxiv-crystalexarch19, smtensei-frosts08, smtensei-frosts10, fate-fou19, fate-fou20, hboyfriend-hstar12, hboyfriend-hstar13, ffantasyxvi-cid14, ffantasyxvi-cid15, gimpact-kazuha19, ffantasyxv-aranea20, cgrove15, ffantasyxiii12, ffantasyxiii18, medge12, cgrove13, ffantasyviir-wedge14, acrossing-jock119, stray18

  • Deck Release (2024-01-08): gimpact-kazuha01, gimpact-kazuha02, tidolmaster-mizuki01, tidolmaster-mizuki02, smtensei-frosts01, smtensei-frosts02, cgrove01, cgrove02, tsims203, tsims204, meffect-joker05, meffect-joker06, hboyfriend-hstar07, hboyfriend-hstar08, ffantasyxv-aranea09, ffantasyxv-aranea10, medge11, medge12, lolegends-morgana13, lolegends-morgana14

  • Deck Release (2024-01-08): udawn06, udawn07, ffantasyxiii08, ffantasyxiii09, lolegends-morgana10, lolegends-morgana11, ffantasyxv-aranea12, ffantasyxvi-cid13, cgrove14, ffantasyxiv-crystalexarch15, fate-fou16, smtensei-frosts17, hboyfriend-hstar18, meffect-joker19, acrossing-jock120, gimpact-kazuha01, medge02, tidolmaster-mizuki03, poeternity04, stray05

  • Deck Release (2024-01-08): tsims204, cgrove04, tsims208, cgrove08, tidolmaster-mizuki04, tidolmaster-mizuki08, gimpact-kazuha04, gimpact-kazuha08, yakuza-likeadragonlaunchtrailer01, ffantasyviir-wedge02, udawn03, stray04, poeternity05, lolegends-morgana06, medge07, acrossing-jock108, ffantasyxv-aranea09, ffantasyxvi-cid10, ffantasyxiv-crystalexarch11, ffantasyxiii12

  • Deck Release (2024-01-08): cgrove01, cgrove02, fate-fou01, fate-fou02, hboyfriend-hstar01, hboyfriend-hstar02, acrossing-jock101, acrossing-jock102, gimpact-kazuha01, gimpact-kazuha02, lolegends-morgana01, lolegends-morgana02, stray01, stray03, tidolmaster-mizuki13, tidolmaster-mizuki14, ffantasyxiii13, ffantasyxiii14, ffantasyxiv-crystalexarch13, ffantasyxiv-crystalexarch14

  • Deck Release (2024-01-08): ffantasyxvi-cid03, ffantasyxvi-cid06, ffantasyxiv-crystalexarch05, ffantasyxiv-crystalexarch14, ffantasyxiii07, ffantasyxiii11, hboyfriend-hstar03, hboyfriend-hstar14, meffect-joker05, meffect-joker07, acrossing-jock111, acrossing-jock118, tsims201, tsims209, udawn10, udawn01, ffantasyviir-wedge12, ffantasyviir-wedge16, ffantasyxv-aranea09, cgrove20

  • Deck Release (2024-01-08): udawn03, udawn04, cgrove05, cgrove06, poeternity03, poeternity04, stray03, stray04, ffantasyxiii03, ffantasyxiii04, meffect-joker03, meffect-joker04, acrossing-jock103, acrossing-jock104, medge03, medge04, tsims203, tsims204, ffantasyviir-wedge03, ffantasyviir-wedge04

  • Deck Release (2024-01-08): acrossing-jock1, acrossing-jock1, stray01, stray02, smtensei-frosts01, smtensei-frosts02, ffantasyxvi-cid01, ffantasyxvi-cid02, meffect-joker01, meffect-joker02, ffantasyxiv-crystalexarch01, ffantasyxiv-crystalexarch02, ffantasyxv-aranea01, ffantasyxv-aranea02, hboyfriend-hstar15, hboyfriend-hstar16, cgrove15, cgrove16, poeternity15, poeternity16

  • Deck Release (2024-01-08): ffantasyxiv-crystalexarch07, ffantasyxiv-crystalexarch13, ffantasyxiii07, ffantasyxiii13, ffantasyxv-aranea01, ffantasyxvi-cid02, cgrove03, smtensei-frosts04, fate-fou05, hboyfriend-hstar06, meffect-joker08, acrossing-jock109, gimpact-kazuha10, medge11, tidolmaster-mizuki12, lolegends-morgana14, poeternity16, stray17, tsims215, ffantasyviir-wedge19

  • Deck Release (2024-01-08): tsims205, ffantasyxiii12, gimpact-kazuha03, ffantasyxv-aranea16, lolegends-morgana10, smtensei-frosts05, acrossing-jock104, udawn19, stray11, cgrove08, poeternity13, meffect-joker20, ffantasyxiv-crystalexarch09, fate-fou06, hboyfriend-hstar15, medge18, ffantasyviir-wedge17, ffantasyxvi-cid16, tidolmaster-mizuki10, yakuza-likeadragonlaunchtrailer07

  • Deck Release (2024-01-08): ffantasyxv-aranea01, ffantasyxv-aranea08, ffantasyxvi-cid01, ffantasyxvi-cid12, ffantasyxiv-crystalexarch09, ffantasyxiv-crystalexarch16, ffantasyxiii06, ffantasyxiii17, fate-fou01, fate-fou05, smtensei-frosts06, smtensei-frosts17, meffect-joker01, meffect-joker10, acrossing-jock102, acrossing-jock104, tsims202, tsims213, ffantasyviir-wedge11, ffantasyviir-wedge12

    Donator Pull (2024-01-08): ffantasyviir-wedge13, ffantasyxv-aranea12

  • Deck Release (2024-01-08): ffantasyxiii10, ffantasyxiii20, acrossing-jock101, acrossing-jock111, hboyfriend-hstar10, hboyfriend-hstar11, lolegends-morgana01, lolegends-morgana15, ffantasyxiv-crystalexarch04, ffantasyxiv-crystalexarch16, fate-fou05, fate-fou17, gimpact-kazuha12, gimpact-kazuha20, ffantasyxvi-cid16, ffantasyxvi-cid18, stray19, stray20, yakuza-likeadragonlaunchtrailer05, yakuza-likeadragonlaunchtrailer09

  • Deck Release (2024-01-08): ffantasyxiv-crystalexarch19, ffantasyxiv-crystalexarch20, ffantasyxiii19, ffantasyxiii20, fate-fou19, fate-fou20, acrossing-jock119, acrossing-jock120, gimpact-kazuha19, gimpact-kazuha20, lolegends-morgana19, lolegends-morgana20, tsims219, tsims220, cgrove14, ffantasyxv-aranea05, smtensei-frosts04, meffect-joker04, medge08, stray07

  • Deck Release (2024-01-08): ffantasyxiv-crystalexarch01, ffantasyxiv-crystalexarch20, ffantasyxvi-cid01, ffantasyxvi-cid20, ffantasyxv-aranea01, ffantasyxv-aranea20, meffect-joker01, meffect-joker20, poeternity01, poeternity20, ffantasyviir-wedge01, ffantasyviir-wedge20, ffantasyxiii01, ffantasyxiii20, fate-fou10, acrossing-jock110, medge10, lolegends-morgana10, stray10, yakuza-likeadragonlaunchtrailer10

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