December 18, 2023 saya 23 Comments
Why was the gamer’s computer cold?Posted on December 18, 2023
Members: | There are currently no new members. |
Games: | Weekly, Set B |
... It had too many windows open.
Hello hello everyone! Mio here! And we are just over half-way done with December would you guys look at that?! Not only is it almost Christmas the New Year is also coming in quick... Alas we have nothing big to report this week we are all just doing our thing.
Oh yea! We are almost done uploading our latest batches to upcoming so if you are interested you can head over to the deck list to check out what is new. We can't wait for more donations from you guys (even if we are already drowning in them but we are very thankful).
Wee Woo Wee Woo
- Do not forget the Advent Calendar! Saya will close the old days when a new one opens (after 48 hours). - remember from 19th the rewards do not have number of cards limit from a deck!
- If anyone sees anthing that is wrong, please do not hesitate to contact us or anything! We try our best, even if December can be a really hectic month for everyone due to Christmas and everything!
- Saya editing to give a new info to not forget: you can chose 1 deck to be made from the donations that are still to be made 1 ALONE (per person) and you write DECK REQUEST to be made: in questbox chanel on discord.
I do think that is all for this week's update? I guess it is a good time as any to tell you guys now to remember the monthlies and turn everything in if you haven't already and finish up donations and the monthly challenge!
Wishing Stars
Kindly take a total max of 2 cards per deck if there are no restrictions indicated.
New Releases
Click here for your deck release pulls.
23 Comments to Why was the gamer’s computer cold?
Wishes #45 (2023-12-18 00:00:00): pokemon-eevee05, pokemon-eevee06, ffantasyxii-balthier07
Deck Release (2023-12-18): croc2, croc2, arknights-feliner, arknights-feliner, fate-mordred, fate-mordred, lozelda-wwaker, lozelda-wwaker, persona-yusuke, persona-yusuke
Wishes #45 (2023-12-18 00:00:00): lomana10, lomana14, ffantasyx-rikku07
Deck Release (2023-12-18): ffantasyx2-paine01, ffantasyx2-paine02, ffantasyx2-realemotion201, ffantasyx2-realemotion202, cgrove-neighbears01, cgrove-neighbears02, tarcana-portia01, arknights-feliner01, arknights-feliner01, mmessenger-zen01
Wishes #43 (2023-12-18 00:00:00): ffantasyvii03, ffantasyvii07, ffantasyx-tidusyuna02, ffantasyx-tidusyuna03, khearts07, khearts08, lolegends-soraka18
Wishes #45 (2023-12-18 00:00:00): mmessenger-jumin04, mmessenger-jumin05, lolegends-ezreal01
Wishes #45 (2023-12-18 00:00:00): ffantasyx-rikku17, ffantasyx-rikku18, hfwest20
Wishes #43 (2023-12-18 00:00:00): acreed-ezio10, acreed-ezio11, tsims17, tsims14, acrossing-nhorizons19, acrossing-nleaf20, bioshock-elizabeth12
Wishes #45 (2023-12-18 00:00:00): lolegends-ezreal14, lolegends-ezreal15, svalley10
Wishes #43 (2023-12-18 00:00:00): tsims15, tsims16, tovesperia11, tovesperia12, sq-grandopening19, sq-grandopening20, sq-prejoin20
Wishes #43 (2023-12-18 00:00:00): ffantasyvii-renorude14, ffantasyvii-renorude15, wowarcraft-fallofthelichking14, wowarcraft-fallofthelichking16, ffantasyviir12, ffantasyviir13, pokemon-clefable09
Wishes #45 (2023-12-18 00:00:00): ffantasyvii-renorude17, ffantasyvii-renorude18, pokemon-eevee03
Wishes #45 (2023-12-18 00:00:00): arknights-feliner20, fallout-dogmeat02, fallout-dogmeat19
Wishes #43 (2023-12-18 00:00:00): fallout-dogmeat06, fallout-dogmeat08, lolegends-ezreal05, lolegends-ezreal07, pokemon-yellow05, pokemon-yellow06, svalley17
Wishes #43 (2023-12-18 00:00:00): kdbuffet15, kdbuffet19, dmcry-lady13, dmcry-lady17, llive-nozomi13, llive-nozomi14, mmessenger-jumin12
Deck Release (2023-12-18): mmessenger-zen01, mmessenger-zen02, tarcana-portia01, tarcana-portia02, arknights-feliner06, arknights-feliner07, persona-yusuke04, persona-yusuke05, ffantasyx2-realemotion201, ffantasyx2-realemotion202
Wishes #45 (2023-12-18 00:00:00): gimpact-zhongli19, gimpact-zhongli20, twonderland-leona04
Deck Release (2023-12-18): persona-yusuke10, persona-yusuke11, mmessenger-zen01, mmessenger-zen02, tarcana-portia01, tarcana-portia02, arknights-feliner06, arknights-feliner07, ffantasyx2-realemotion201, ffantasyx2-realemotion202
Wishes #45 (2023-12-18 00:00:00): cgrove-neighbears17, cgrove-neighbears18, arknights-feliner17
Deck Release (2023-12-18): arknights-feliner15, arknights-feliner16, cgrove-neighbears13, cgrove-neighbears16, mmessenger-zen02, mmessenger-zen03, fate-mordred19, fate-mordred20, tarcana-portia03, tarcana-portia04
Wishes #43 (2023-12-18 00:00:00): bioshock-infinite17, ffantasyvii07, ffantasyvii12, ffantasyx2-realemotion118, ffantasyx2-realemotion119, portal-chell11, portal-chell19
Wishes #45 (2023-12-18 00:00:00): mhunter-palicoes06, mhunter-palicoes07, arknights-feliner06
Wishes #43 (2023-12-18 00:00:00): mhunter-rise09, persona-yusuke06, persona-yusuke10, suikodenii05, suikodenii10, ffantasy-carbuncles18, ffantasy-carbuncles19
Wishes #45 (2023-12-18 00:00:00): cgrove-neighbears09, cgrove-neighbears11, hfwest12
Wishes #43 (2023-12-18 00:00:00): ffantasy-carbuncles16, ffantasy-carbuncles17, lolegends-lux07, lolegends-lux15, dage-romances13, dage-romances15, lolegends-soraka05
Wishes #45 (2023-12-18 00:00:00): acreed-bayekaya06, acreed-bayekaya07, ffantasyxiv-shbtrailer106
Deck Release (2023-12-18): ffantasyx2-paine07, ffantasyx2-paine13, ffantasyx2-realemotion207, ffantasyx2-realemotion213, arknights-feliner01, tarcana-portia01, mmessenger-zen01, lozelda-wwaker01, persona-yusuke01, fate-mordred01
Wishes #45 (2023-12-18 00:00:00): fallout-dogmeat01, fallout-dogmeat03, mhunter-palicoes02
Deck Release (2023-12-18): lozelda-wwaker02, lozelda-wwaker09, cgrove-neighbears04, cgrove-neighbears08, ffantasyx2-paine17, ffantasyx2-paine18, mmessenger-zen06, mmessenger-zen15, ffantasyx2-realemotion216, croc209
Donator Pull (2023-12-18): lozelda-wwaker12
Freebies #15 (2023-12-19): swjedi-forder12, toarise-dohalim19, dmcry-vergil19, ffantasyxvi-torgal06, zescape-99906, dmcry-vergil14, dage-romances16, dmcry-lady17, tsims15, ffantasyxiv-hythlodaeus03, hboyfriend01, a3-hisoka08, meffect-andromeda02, ffantasyxiv-shbtrailer117, overwatch-dva17, aattorney-pwddestinies09, svalley01, khearts-opintro01, wowarcraft-thrall10
Freebies #16 (2023-12-21): overwatch-dva02, ffantasyxiv-alphinaudalisaie04, ffantasyxiv-alphinaudalisaie05, ffantasyxiv-cinematictrailer10, ddvalley16, dmcry-vergil12, ffantasyxiv-alphinaudalisaie08, ffantasyvii05, ffantasyxiv-cinematictrailer15, overwatch-dva08, ffantasyxiv-cinematictrailer20, ffantasyxiv-alphinaudalisaie11, ffantasyvii09, ggear-dizzy07
Freebies #17 (2023-12-23): ffantasyvii10, ffantasyvii15, ffantasyvii18, ffantasyvii20, overwatch-dva09, overwatch-dva12, khearts-riku10, ddvalley17, overwatch-dva14, overwatch-dva16, khearts-riku13, ddvalley18, ggear-dizzy11, khearts-riku14, pokemon-legendsarceus01, overwatch-dva18, ggear-dizzy13, ggear-dizzy15, ggear-dizzy18, subnautica02
Wishes #43 (2023-12-18 00:00:00): meffect-endofnormandy11, meffect-endofnormandy15, ffantasyxiv-ewtrailer12, dage-cullen13, dage-cullen17, ffantasyx-tidusyuna07, ffantasyx-tidusyuna08
Wishes #45 (2023-12-18 00:00:00): pokemon-eevee02, svalley06, svalley07
Wishes #45 (2023-12-18 00:00:00): pokemon-eevee01, pokemon-eevee03, mhunter-palicoes03
Deck Release (2023-12-18): persona-yusuke01, persona-yusuke02, ffantasyx2-realemotion201, ffantasyx2-realemotion211, lozelda-wwaker05, lozelda-wwaker15, ffantasyx2-paine10, ffantasyx2-paine12, mmessenger-zen09, mmessenger-zen19
Wishes #43 (2023-12-18 00:00:00): ffantasyxiv-heavensward17, ffantasyxiv-hythlodaeus07, ffantasyxiv-hythlodaeus08, ffantasyxiv-shadowbringers03, ffantasyxiv-shadowbringers04, ffantasyxiv-shbtrailer105, ffantasyxiv-shbtrailer106
Deck Release (2023-12-18): persona-yusuke01, persona-yusuke02, ffantasyx2-paine02, ffantasyx2-paine03, mmessenger-zen01, mmessenger-zen02, fate-mordred01, fate-mordred03, ffantasyx2-realemotion201, ffantasyx2-realemotion202
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