November 06, 2023 saya 29 Comments
Loading Update....Posted on November 06, 2023
Members: | Raie — Welcome to the TCG! |
Referrals: | Jamie — Thank you for promoting Sidequest TCG! |
Games: | Weekly, Set B |
We are still here, still alive, trying to get everything to work! Some stuff still is not working, some stuff is working so we are happy with what is working and we are trying to solve things in the back that are not working while also doing decks.
Unfortunately I am kinda slow at this moment, because RL is being if something can go wrong it will go wrong (like give me a breather LOL) and while kids should have been at school, half a week they won't really be but we will manage! (I’ll stop complaining about that) - it just slows me a little more than I predicted.
I would like to ask, even if you see that the dates on the games correspond to the day of the update but there is no written update yet, please do NOT play, because it is a big possibility that I (or Aki or Mio) are still checking that the games are in fact all working! (I need to remember to check you the Higher and Lower to send the rewards - if I need cron to work for something it’s that to be automatic). So yeah before there is an update saying: HEY you can play, please, do not do it!
Let’s start with the first thing, that is, votes have been purged so all the upcoming decks when the update went up were at 0 (I presume that now we already have some that are not anymore). I will be doing that every first weekly update after the first day of month if this doesn’t fall to monday.
We are also working on adding a part in wish where you can request a deck to be released. So that soon you will be able to request that.
I do tend to check well the decks that are to be released to avoid too many of the same series, but sometimes it can happen that I miss something and there can be two decks of the same series.
Member Decks
I was surprised how nobody applied for Member Decks and then it got pointed out to me that while, yes, I did write everything for them I never actually… publish it; so yeah you are welcome to apply for member decks. You can find every info in About - Cards, Decks and Masteries section, if you have more questions, you are welcome to ask.
I want to precise that you own the card once the task is approved, and once the deck is finished (means you complete all tasks) it will become a deck part of Sidequest with a new category open to it: Member Decks (and ofc series too).
Please if you are not sure about something, ask, we don’t bite, I just sometimes confuse myself too so it may happen that I will need to go check my notes but yea! Also if your count on your TP is higher then on site, please do not hesitate to tell me so I can correct it to the number you have (also, when you do sacrifice the cards, remind me to take them off your post).
Wishing Stars
Kindly take a total max of 2 cards per deck if there are no restrictions indicated.
- Lex — I wish for double game rewards from the Set B set! No need to refresh the rewards page!
- saya / Cas — I wish for 10 random pack from any deck!
- Cassidy / Yujing / Georgie — I wish for double deck release! And everything multiplies~
New Releases
Click here for your deck release pulls.
29 Comments to Loading Update....
Wishes #16 (2023-11-06 00:00:00): gimpact-furina05, ome-mammon14, ffantasyxiv-alisaie17, estars-rei19, socean3-tteotime19, pokemon-umbreon08, soulcalibur-taki04, meffect-andromeda12, wowarcraft-wrathofthelichkingtrailer18, ffantasyxiv-shadowbringers11
Deck Release (2023-11-06): doalive-kasumi01, doalive-kasumi02, ffantasyx2-realemotion101, ffantasyx2-realemotion102, ffantasyxiv-ewtrailer01, ffantasyxiv-ewtrailer03, ffantasyxv-ignis01, ffantasyxv-ignis02, gimpact-eula01, gimpact-eula02, ittwo01, ittwo02, khearts01, khearts03, listrange01, listrange02, twonderland-leona03, twonderland-leona04, tekken-nina02, tekken-nina03
Deck Release (2023-11-06): ffantasyx2-realemotion105, ffantasyx2-realemotion108, ittwo03, ittwo07, khearts04, khearts05, lolegends-soraka05, lolegends-soraka12, mmessenger-70711, mmessenger-70713, mmessenger-jumin09, mmessenger-jumin12, persona2-isin10, persona2-isin13, ffantasyxv-ignis15, gimpact-eula02, pokemon-clefable20, pokemon-yellow14, tekken-nina18, listrange13
Deck Release (2023-11-06): ffantasyxiv-ewtrailer01, ffantasyxiv-ewtrailer02, mmessenger-70719, mmessenger-70720, pokemon-yellow09, pokemon-yellow10, ffantasyx2-realemotion102, ffantasyx2-realemotion103, dage-tarots04, dage-tarots05, pokemon-clefable07, pokemon-clefable09, khearts10, khearts11, twonderland-leona13, twonderland-leona14, mmessenger-jumin10, mmessenger-jumin12, gimpact-eula15, gimpact-eula19
Wishes #16 (2023-11-06 00:00:00): a3-masumi18, cotlamb07, ffantasyx-yuna17, ffantasyxv-noctis09, ccross04, wowarcraft-cataclysmtrailer13, trhythm-finalbarop10, smtenseiiv13, lolegends-soraka03, dmcry-dante15
EDIT: Wishes should have pulled like this—
Wishes #23 (2023-11-13 00:00:00): pokemon-gengar06, pokemon-gengar08, acreed-ezio05, acreed-ezio07, pokemon-yellow03
Deck Release (2023-11-06): bioshock-infinite03, bioshock-infinite19, dage-tarots05, dage-tarots12, khearts06, khearts15, pokemon-yellow03, pokemon-yellow09, tekken-nina06, tekken-nina14, twonderland-leona06, twonderland-leona20, pokemon-clefable10, lolegends-soraka11, ittwo16, ffantasyxv-ignis08, ffantasyx2-realemotion111, ffantasyxiv-ewtrailer02, mmessenger-jumin10, p2-isin14
Deck Release (2023-11-06): ffantasyxv-ignis03, ffantasyxv-ignis04, gimpact-eula03, gimpact-eula10, twonderland-leona05, twonderland-leona17, mmessenger-70703, mmessenger-70705, mmessenger-jumin06, mmessenger-jumin11, khearts09, khearts11, p2-isin02, p2-isin04, pokemon-yellow05, pokemon-yellow14, ffantasyx2-realemotion106, ffantasyx2-realemotion115, bioshock-infinite01, bioshock-infinite18
Deck Release (2023-11-06): mmessenger-70701, mmessenger-70702, pokemon-clefable03, pokemon-clefable04, gimpact-eula05, gimpact-eula06, ittwo01, ittwo02, mmessenger-jumin07, mmessenger-jumin08, khearts09, khearts10, twonderland-leona11, twonderland-leona12, listrange13, listrange14, p2-isin15, p2-isin16, pokemon-yellow01, pokemon-yellow02
Deck Release (2023-11-06): pokemon-yellow01, pokemon-yellow02, pokemon-clefable01, pokemon-clefable02, mmessenger-70701, bioshock-infinite06, dquest-builders211, ffantasyxiv-ewtrailer16, gimpact-eula02, jjbadventure-hftfuture07, ffantasyxv-ignis12, ittwo17, mmessenger-jumin03, doalive-kasumi08, khearts13, twonderland-leona18, listrange04, tekken-nina09, p2-isin14, ffantasyx2-realemotion119
Deck Release (2023-11-06): bioshock-infinite01, bioshock-infinite02, pokemon-clefable01, pokemon-clefable02, ffantasyxv-ignis01, ffantasyxv-ignis02, khearts01, khearts02, listrange01, listrange02, pokemon-yellow01, pokemon-yellow02, ffantasyx2-realemotion101, ffantasyx2-realemotion102, ittwo14, ittwo15, dage-tarots01, dage-tarots02, tekken-nina20, mmessenger-jumin20
Deck Release (2023-11-06): listrange01, listrange02, bioshock-infinite01, bioshock-infinite02, dage-tarots05, dage-tarots06, dquest-builders218, dquest-builders219, ffantasyx2-realemotion106, ffantasyx2-realemotion107, lolegends-soraka06, lolegends-soraka07, p2-isin15, p2-isin16, twonderland-leona12, twonderland-leona18, pokemon-yellow12, pokemon-yellow18, ffantasyxiv-ewtrailer02, ffantasyxiv-ewtrailer03
Deck Release (2023-11-06): pokemon-yellow04, pokemon-yellow05, pokemon-clefable16, pokemon-clefable18, listrange15, listrange17, bioshock-infinite18, bioshock-infinite20, dage-tarots17, dage-tarots19, twonderland-leona11, twonderland-leona14, p2-isin02, p2-isin03, mmessenger-jumin14, mmessenger-jumin15, mmessenger-70704, mmessenger-70705, lolegends-soraka08, lolegends-soraka14
Deck Release (2023-11-06): pokemon-clefable04, pokemon-clefable14, ffantasyxiv-ewtrailer07, ffantasyxiv-ewtrailer09, gimpact-eula04, gimpact-eula15, listrange18, listrange19, tekken-nina19, tekken-nina20, pokemon-yellow11, pokemon-yellow12, ffantasyx2-realemotion113, ffantasyx2-realemotion114, lolegends-soraka04, lolegends-soraka14, p2-isin08, p2-isin09, twonderland-leona08, twonderland-leona09
Wishes #16 (2023-11-06 00:00:00): ffantasyxiv-ewtrailer17, okami-amaterasu03, meffect-andromeda17, ccross01, smtenseiiv04, lolegends-lux09, ffantasy-moogles15, wowarcraft-warbringerssylvanas18, nnkuni-wotwwitch09, tescrollsv-skyrim17
Deck Release (2023-11-06): mmessenger-70705, mmessenger-70706, jjbadventure-hftfuture05, jjbadventure-hftfuture06, gimpact-eula06, gimpact-eula07, mmessenger-jumin15, mmessenger-jumin16, twonderland-leona01, twonderland-leona02, pokemon-yellow03, pokemon-yellow05, p2-isin06, p2-isin07, ffantasyx2-realemotion101, ffantasyx2-realemotion102, ffantasyxv-ignis01, ffantasyxv-ignis02, doalive-kasumi01, doalive-kasumi02
Deck Release (2023-11-06): mmessenger-70701, mmessenger-70702, pokemon-clefable01, pokemon-clefable02, gimpact-eula12, gimpact-eula13, ittwo04, ittwo05, mmessenger-jumin01, mmessenger-jumin03, pokemon-yellow10, pokemon-yellow11, ffantasyx2-realemotion101, ffantasyx2-realemotion103, lolegends-soraka01, lolegends-soraka02, dage-tarots17, dage-tarots18, jjbadventure-hftfuture13, jjbadventure-hftfuture14
Deck Release (2023-11-06): mmessenger-70701, mmessenger-70702, p2-isin19, p2-isin20, gimpact-eula04, gimpact-eula05, mmessenger-jumin18, mmessenger-jumin19, jjbadventure-hftfuture11, jjbadventure-hftfuture12, dage-tarots01, dage-tarots02, pokemon-yellow01, pokemon-yellow02, pokemon-clefable19, pokemon-clefable20, ittwo15, ittwo17, ffantasyxv-ignis12, ffantasyxv-ignis18
Deck Release (2023-11-06): mmessenger-70704, mmessenger-70717, pokemon-clefable04, pokemon-clefable14, dquest-builders203, dquest-builders204, ffantasyxiv-ewtrailer05, ffantasyxiv-ewtrailer13, ffantasyxv-ignis02, ffantasyxv-ignis06, mmessenger-jumin02, mmessenger-jumin04, doalive-kasumi02, doalive-kasumi09, khearts11, khearts17, pokemon-yellow13, pokemon-yellow18, ffantasyx2-realemotion115, ffantasyx2-realemotion117
Donator Pull (2023-11-06): dquest-builders219, ffantasyxv-ignis15
Deck Release (2023-11-06): jjbadventure-hftfuture03, jjbadventure-hftfuture04, gimpact-eula08, gimpact-eula09, pokemon-clefable01, pokemon-clefable02, dquest-builders201, dquest-builders202, ffantasyxv-ignis01, ffantasyxv-ignis02, ittwo01, ittwo02, persona2-isin05, persona2-isin06, pokemon-yellow05, pokemon-yellow06, dage-tarots05, dage-tarots06, lolegends-soraka10, lolegends-soraka20
Deck Release (2023-11-06): persona2-isin11, persona2-isin12, khearts14, khearts16, ffantasyxiv-ewtrailer11, ffantasyxiv-ewtrailer12, dage-tarots01, dage-tarots02, dquest-builders213, dquest-builders215, mmessenger-70704, mmessenger-70707, mmessenger-jumin03, mmessenger-jumin05, twonderland-leona05, twonderland-leona06, pokemon-yellow13, pokemon-yellow19, pokemon-clefable01, pokemon-clefable02
- Wishes #16 (2023-11-06 00:00:00): tovesperia-yuri01, sq-prejoin10, khearts-opintro13, mhunter-rise05, fate-artoria20, dage-fenris15, portal-chell04, transistor-red15, aattorney-miles19, wowarcraft-illidan03
Deck Release (2023-11-06): ffantasyxiv-ewtrailer07, ffantasyxiv-ewtrailer13, dage-tarots07, dage-tarots13, ffantasyx2-realemotion107, ffantasyx2-realemotion113, bioshock-infinite01, pokemon-clefable01, dquest-builders201, gimpact-eula01, jjbadventure-hftfuture01, ffantasyxv-ignis01, ittwo01, mmessenger-jumin01, doalive-kasumi01, khearts01, twonderland-leona01, listrange01, p2-isin01, pokemon-yellow01
Deck Release (2023-11-06): gimpact-eula01, gimpact-eula03, lolegends-soraka19, lolegends-soraka20, ffantasyx2-realemotion119, ffantasyx2-realemotion120, ffantasyxiv-ewtrailer19, ffantasyxiv-ewtrailer20, mmessenger-jumin19, mmessenger-jumin20, mmessenger-70719, mmessenger-70720, pokemon-yellow19, pokemon-yellow20, pokemon-clefable19, pokemon-clefable20, tekken-nina19, tekken-nina20, twonderland-leona19, listrange20
Deck Release (2023-11-06): gimpact-eula13, gimpact-eula14, jjbadventure-hftfuture01, jjbadventure-hftfuture02, mmessenger-70703, mmessenger-70704, ffantasyx2-realemotion114, ffantasyx2-realemotion115, mmessenger-jumin02, mmessenger-jumin04, ffantasyxiv-ewtrailer02, ffantasyxiv-ewtrailer03, pokemon-yellow19, pokemon-yellow20, ffantasyxv-ignis19, ffantasyxv-ignis20, dage-tarots19, dage-tarots20, lolegends-soraka09, lolegends-soraka10
Deck Release (2023-11-06): khearts01, khearts03, dquest-builders205, dquest-builders211, mmessenger-70708, mmessenger-70709, mmessenger-jumin17, mmessenger-jumin01, dage-tarots02, dage-tarots05, doalive-kasumi03, doalive-kasumi01, pokemon-clefable02, pokemon-clefable03, pokemon-yellow01, pokemon-yellow02, twonderland-leona01, twonderland-leona02, ffantasyx2-realemotion116, ffantasyx2-realemotion118
Deck Release (2023-11-06): p2-isin01, p2-isin02, twonderland-leona01, twonderland-leona02, ffantasyxv-ignis15, ffantasyxv-ignis14, bioshock-infinite04, bioshock-infinite05, ittwo16, ittwo18, khearts14, khearts15, listrange01, listrange02, pokemon-yellow20, pokemon-yellow18, ffantasyx2-realemotion106, ffantasyx2-realemotion107, dage-tarots03, dage-tarots05
Deck Release (2023-11-06): dage-tarots01, dage-tarots20, ffantasyxiv-ewtrailer01, ffantasyxiv-ewtrailer20, ffantasyx2-realemotion101, ffantasyx2-realemotion120, khearts01, khearts20, ffantasyxv-ignis01, ffantasyxv-ignis20, mmessenger-jumin10, pokemon-clefable10, mmessenger-70710, bioshock-infinite10, tekken-nina10, ittwo10, doalive-kasumi10, lolegends-soraka10, pokemon-yellow10, gimpact-eula10
Deck Release (2023-11-06): gimpact-eula04, gimpact-eula18, mmessenger-jumin06, mmessenger-jumin17, mmessenger-70705, mmessenger-70708, pokemon-clefable16, pokemon-clefable04, pokemon-yellow05, pokemon-yellow11, listrange11, listrange06, jjbadventure-hftfuture07, jjbadventure-hftfuture14, bioshock-infinite01, bioshock-infinite09, doalive-kasumi01, ffantasyxv-ignis09, ffantasyxiv-ewtrailer10, ffantasyx2-realemotion112
Deck Release (2023-11-06): pokemon-clefable01, pokemon-clefable11, doalive-kasumi01, doalive-kasumi11, twonderland-leona01, twonderland-leona11, ffantasyx2-realemotion101, ffantasyx2-realemotion111, pokemon-yellow01, pokemon-yellow11, gimpact-eula05, gimpact-eula15, ffantasyxv-ignis05, ffantasyxv-ignis15, lolegends-soraka04, lolegends-soraka15, mmessenger-70708, mmessenger-70718, bioshock-infinite08, bioshock-infinite18
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