February 03, 2025 saya 9 Comments
double trouble yeah....Posted on February 03, 2025
Members: | There are currently no new members. |
Masteries: | Adelicya (bdream-aya, bdream-misaki, fate-artoria, fate-illyasviel, fate-saberlily, ffantasyxiv-eshades, ffantasyxiv-hythlodaeus, ffantasyxvi-jill, ffantasyxvi-torgal, gimpact-ayaka, llive-ruby, lolegends-morgana, lolegends-nami); Lex (ffantasyxvi-clivejoshua, gimpact-qiqi, gimpact-raiden, gimpact-yelan, gwars2-charactersof, lolegends-akali, persona-goro, sq-newyear2024, tlous-elliejoel, tovesperia-repede); Loki (ffantasyviii-angelorinoa, ffantasyx-sutekidane, ffantasyxiv-loporrits, ffantasyxiv-meteion, loheroes-crowrean, neopets-fyora, neopets-jhudora, sq-favoritegame); Mysti (aescape, bgate-galeastarion, ffantasyiv3dr, ffantasyxiv-koana, loheroes-crowrean, persona-makoto, revil4, sgods, smario-mariopeach, twonderland-azul, uggame, yakuza-likeadragonlaunchtrailer) — Keep up the good work! |
Games: | Weekly, Special, Set A |
and here we go again with our weekly update and tons of decks!
Next week more relationships will be released, so if you want to wait, you do have like till 28th before the event finishes!
On the other side, about dating sims - the games where the point is dating a character in the game, like the main event is do stuff to date another character in a game! The games I accept as dating sims are these (and if you show me another one I can add them to the list!:
- Boyfriend Dungeon
- Camp Buddy
- Diabolik Lovers
- DRAMAtical Murder
- Dream Daddy
- Hatoful Boyfriend
- I Love You, Colonel Sanders!
- Love and Deepspace
- MeChat
- Monster Prom
- Mystic Messenger
- Obey Me!
- The Arcana
- Togainu no Chi
Valentines Event
It's again that time of the year! It's February!

Velentines Event 2025
Event cards

Event Cards (3rd February 2025): ec-950decks
Wishing Stars
Kindly take a total max of 2 cards per deck if there are no restrictions indicated.
- Samu / Ouji — I wish for double deck release! And everything multiplies~
- Samu — I wish for 3 choice cards from any decks!
New Releases
Click here for your deck release pulls.
9 Comments to double trouble yeah....
Deck Release (2025-02-03): llegacy-sage01, llegacy-sage02, mechat-lan01, mechat-lan02, mkombat-mileena01, mkombat-mileena02, arknights-kaltsit01, arknights-kaltsit02, atelier-firis03, atelier-firis04, estars-subaru05, estars-subaru06, smite-izanami07, smite-izanami08, tthaumaturge09, tthaumaturge10, vsurvivors11, vsurvivors12, wowarcraft-warbringersjaina213, wowarcraft-warbringersjaina214
Deck Release (2025-02-03): haven-kayyu01, socean-edgereimi02, atelier-firis07, atelier-firis13, ffantasyx-operationmiihen107, ffantasyx-operationmiihen113, vsurvivors07, vsurvivors13, psekai-coral204, smite-izanami04, arknights-kaltsit04, lolegends-katarina04, mechat-lan04, lego-cundercover04, mkombat-mileena04, tidolmaster-nao04, phasmophobia04, llegacy-sage04, a3-sakuya04, estars-subaru04
Event Cards (3rd February 2025): ec-950decks
Wishes Samu : ddaddy-charactersof03, ddaddy-charactersof04, tarcana-nadia12
Wishes Samu : pokemon-jigglypuff16, pokemon-jigglypuff18, personaq-sotlabyrinth20
Wishes Samu : bdungeon-charactersof01, ffantasyxiii-serah08, lolegends-rakanxayah11
Extra Pulls (Garrus Vakarian): atelier-firis15, haven-kayyu01
Deck Release (2025-02-03): ffantasyx-operationmiihen115, ffantasyx-operationmiihen117, ffantasyx-operationmiihen120, ffantasyx-operationmiihen106, socean-edgereimi15, haven-kayyu03, lolegends-katarina06, vsurvivors11, llegacy-sage11, a3-sakuya03, a3-sakuya04, a3-sakuya05, a3-sakuya06, haven-kayyu18, haven-kayyu19, haven-kayyu20, tthaumaturge04, tthaumaturge05, tthaumaturge06, tthaumaturge07
Deck Release (2025-02-03): ffantasyx-operationmiihen101, ffantasyx-operationmiihen102, haven-kayyu01, haven-kayyu02, a3-sakuya18, a3-sakuya20, tthaumaturge01, tthaumaturge02, hearthstone-undead101, mechat-lan02, lego-cundercover03, llegacy-sage04, lolegends-katarina05, mkombat-mileena06, smite-izanami07, phasmophobia08, tidolmaster-nao09, atelier-firis10, vsurvivors11, arknights-kaltsit12
Event Cards (3rd February 2025): ec-950decks
Wishes Samu : ffantasyxiii-serah12, ffantasyxiii-serah13, pokemon-clefable20
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