Are you a fan of any videogames who loves to collect images that we call decks? Then welcome to Sidequest TCG, an online TCG that focuses on different videogames from various consoles. We currently have 938 active decks (+115 upcoming) with 40 active players (+1 pending). It was established on February 16, 2021 and it is currently maintained by saya. Interested? Please visit the about page for more information!

That time of the year....
Posted on December 02, 2024

Members: There are currently no new members.
Masteries: Alecks (opiece-odyssey); Claire (dage-fenris, dage-marethari, dage-noblenpc, dsouls, ffantasyiv-golbez, ffantasyviii-rinoasquall, ffantasyxiv-dttrailer2, ffantasyxiv-graha, ffantasyxiv-nanamo, ffantasyxiv-sicard, ffantasyxiv-zero, hlegacy-vault12, khearts-aqua, ladeepspace-officialreleasepv, lolegends-everythinggoesonpv1, otraveler, pokemon-giratina, soseasons-awlife); Lex (aattorney, dage-merrill, dage-romances, dishonored, gimpact-eula, gimpact-kokomi, neopets-jhudora, overwatch-dragons1, soulcalibur-tira, toarise-rinwell, twaus, twonderland-idia); Loki (atelier-ryzaedtshideout, bsaber, dage-sebastian, dage-tarots, danganronpa-chiaki, dwarffortress, ffantasyxiv-magnai, gimpact-shinobu, khearts-sora, neopets-illusen, nnkuni-wotwwitch, ome-intro1, raft, reverse1999, suikodenii, zescape-vlreward); Samu (acrossing-snooty2, bdream-yukina, disney-aladdin, estars-jun, fate-artoria, fate-kama, gimpact-paimon, neopets-fyora, ome-beelzebub) — Keep up the good work!
Games: Weekly, Special, Set B

And here we have our Monthly and Weekly update at the same time, I decided to wait with monthly so, the inventory game will be able to have also new decks in it, as today is the double deck wish! And so I did have time to actually put together all the things that were needed! We even had visit on Sunday so I had to cook, and husbands friend brought oculus with him and left it here, so yeah not much pc time for me (still done all the graphics and stuff needed to not get into new month with that on our backs)!

The Donations are again open, 10 as always, 4 max per series and if the game is new, you can donate BUT the decks will be made 2 months after (exp Veilguard decks will be done after 31st December)!

December is a little difficult month for me, as I also have kids, means cheery december is like wtf tons of weird stuff to do and familly things to! Especially I may be not present a lot after 22nd cose birthday xmas and new year shit!

So here we go with all the stuff that is going on during this jolly month!

Christmas Event

It's again that time of the year! It's December!

Christmas Event 2024

There is nothing much to say, like last year we are having the Advent Calendar - 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25! The days open on the day and are open for 48 hours, to not forget the best is to get them as soon as you can! If there is a problem again please, poke us about it and we'll try to make them work!

Themed Decks

This month we got two new themed decks that we finished! Like always you can get one card only if you did not donate, if you donated you can get two cards (does not matter if you donated more then one!)

Please edit the comment to add what you took!


So we are starting with your lovely adoptions that you can use, for the wishes it's easy in place of 2 max per deck you can get 3 max per deck, and the tank extra deck release you can choose 4 in place of 2 from one deck! If you have the DPS extra release pulls, then you edit your message and write Extra Pulls (NAME CHARACTER): card1, card2! All normal rules are for that if you have just the DPS one you cant take more then 2 cards per deck, but it can be combined with the tank one and then you can get 4 per deck!

For the others you can go in the Special part of games where you can get them! All the Extra Rewards do not have a block and you can retake them for every tradecard, mastery, level up or donation completed!

The Gifts are also under special games and can be used once a week, once every two weeks or once a month!

If you have questions, please do not hesitate to ask!

Event cards

Event Cards (1st December 2024): ec-december2024, ec-850decks

Monthly Challenge

We are again at that point of the month, where we are talking Monthly Challenge! First thing I need to precise, so we do not forget (I tend to do that too) THE DECK YOU ARE USING FOR YOUR CHALLENGE ON THE FIRST DAY OF THE MONTH HAS TO HAVE 10 OR LESS CARDS (means you have to own 10 or less for it to count)! The rewards are 20 randoms and 200 exp and 20 potions this month. So let's tell you what is the challenge

Monthly Challnge: December 2024
- Master 5 green/red Decks you NEVER mastered
- Donate 10 decks
- Trade 100 times (4 trademeters)

Wishing Stars

Kindly take a total max of 2 cards per deck if there are no restrictions indicated.

  1. LokiI wish for choice cards spelling DAWNSERVANT!   
  2. SamuI wish for double deck release!    And everything multiplies~
  3. YujingI wish for choice cards spelling AMERICANTURKEYDAY!   

New Releases

Click here for your deck release pulls.

12 Comments to That time of the year....

  • Deck Release (2024-12-02): ffantasyxiv-cahciua04, ffantasyxiv-cahciua06, tovesperia-estelle09, tovesperia-estelle15, ffantasyix-vivi04, ffantasyix-vivi11, aowonders418, borderlands310, mechat-enzo14, ffantasyxv-farewell11, fate-sropening116, ffantasyiv3dr01, bdream-himari08, lolegends-jinx15, dmurder-koujaku08, bdream-misaki12, fate-nero01, honkai-seele08, llive-setsuna12, soseasons-pootown18

  • Deck Release (2024-12-02): ffantasyxiv-cahciua04, ffantasyxiv-cahciua10, ffantasyxiv-cahciua11, ffantasyxiv-cahciua12, fate-sropening109, fate-sropening110, fate-sropening114, fate-sropening115, tlozelda-alttpast03, tlozelda-alttpast10, tlozelda-alttpast19, tlozelda-alttpast20, ffantasyix-vivi09, ffantasyix-vivi10, ffantasyix-vivi11, ffantasyix-vivi12, soseasons-pootown09, soseasons-pootown10, soseasons-pootown11, soseasons-pootown13

    Themed Decks: sq-1stanniversary19, sq-1stanniversary20, sq-favoritefemalecharacter09, sq-favoritefemalecharacter15
    +2 (DPS - El-Melloi II): aowonders409, aowonders410

    Wishes Loki : ffantasyxiv-notagoodbye09, twonderland-kalim18, twonderland-kalim17, ffantasyxiv-notagoodbye10, fate-extellatheumbralstar18, fate-extellatheumbralstar14, revil403, revil401, ffantasyxiv-koana07, ffantasyxiv-koana08, ffantasyiv3dr20

    Wishes Yujing : acrossing-pcamp20, ffantasyxiv-nanamo01, fate-gilgamesh04, acrossing-pcamp17, ffantasyix-vivi17, acrossing-pcamp05, fate-gilgamesh06, ffantasyix-vivi18, fate-gilgamesh02, ffantasyxiv-jullus01, sq-favoritevillain18, ffantasyxiv-koana02, disney-aladdin14, ffantasyix-vivi19, disney-aladdin06, ffantasyix-vivi16, disney-aladdin07

  • Wishes Loki : dage-ironbull07, dage-ironbull08, dage-wardens05, ffantasyiv-golbez12, ffantasyiv-golbez16, pokemon-eevee04, pokemon-zoroark11, dage-tvreveal111, ffantasyxii-basch19, dage-wardens10, ffantasyxii-basch20

    Wishes Yujing : dage-wardens14, ome-beelzebub03, ffantasyiv-golbez15, dage-ironbull11, dage-ironbull12, meffect-mshepard18, a3-banri08, a3-banri09, mhunter-alwin01, ome-beelzebub04, dage-wardens16, mhunter-kayna19, ffantasyiv-golbez19, mhunter-kayna04, meffect-mshepard19, mhunter-alwin02, mhunter-kayna06

    Deck Release (2024-12-02): tlozelda-alttpast02, tlozelda-alttpast04, ffantasyiv3dr06, ffantasyiv3dr07, mechat-enzo01, mechat-enzo02, ffantasyxiv-cahciua03, ffantasyxiv-cahciua04, borderlands305, borderlands306, ffantasyix-vivi07, ffantasyix-vivi08, soseasons-pootown09, soseasons-pootown10, dmurder-koujaku11, dmurder-koujaku12, aowonders413, aowonders414, fate-sropening115, fate-nero16

  • Wishes Loki : ffantasyxiv-dttrailer217, ffantasyxiv-anewadventure19, ffantasyxiv-anewadventure20, dage-dalishelforiginsnpc12, dage-dalishelforiginsnpc14, mkrayearth12, mkrayearth14, ffantasyxiv-dttrailer115, ffantasyxiv-dttrailer116, aattorney-miles14, aattorney-miles15

    Wishes Yujing : aattorney-miles11, aattorney-miles12, dage-dalishelforiginsnpc09, dage-dalishelforiginsnpc10, acreed-liberation15, acreed-liberation16, atelier-roronaaoarland14, atelier-roronaaoarland15, atelier-ryza2lltsfairy09, digimon-csleuth05, atelier-ryza2lltsfairy11, bgate-karlach10, bgate-karlach12, ffantasyxiv-dttrailer110, ffantasyxiv-dttrailer114, mkrayearth08, mkrayearth11

    Deck Release (2024-12-02): ffantasyxiv-cahciua07, ffantasyxiv-cahciua13, mechat-enzo05, tovesperia-estelle05, ffantasyxv-farewell05, fate-sropening105, bdream-himari05, lolegends-jinx05, dmurder-koujaku05, bdream-misaki05, fate-nero05, honkai-seele05, llive-setsuna05, soseasons-pootown05, honkai-su05, fate-tamamo05, tlozelda-alttpast05, ffantasyix-vivi05, aowonders405, borderlands305

    Theme Decks: sq-1stanniversary07, sq-1stanniversary12, sq-favoritefemalecharacter07, sq-favoritefemalecharacter19
    Event Cards (1st December 2024): ec-december2024, ec-850decks

  • Deck Release (2024-12-02): lolegends-jinx10, tovesperia-estelle08, bdream-himari19, llive-setsuna11, bdream-misaki10, ffantasyxv-farewell04, honkai-seele18, aowonders405, borderlands306, ffantasyxiv-cahciua10, mechat-enzo15, fate-sropening116, ffantasyiv3dr02, dmurder-koujaku03, fate-nero13, soseasons-pootown20, honkai-su17, fate-tamamo09, tlozelda-alttpast15, ffantasyix-vivi14, sq-1stanniversary05, sq-1stanniversary18, sq-favoritefemalecharacter06, sq-favoritefemalecharacter20

  • Deck Release (2024-12-02): ffantasyix-vivi01, ffantasyix-vivi02, mechat-enzo06, mechat-enzo02, ffantasyxv-farewell02, ffantasyxv-farewell14, llive-setsuna01, llive-setsuna02, honkai-seele01, honkai-seele11, lolegends-jinx03, lolegends-jinx12, aowonders409, aowonders418, tlozelda-alttpast02, tlozelda-alttpast11, fate-tamamo13, fate-tamamo14, bdream-misaki11, dmurder-koujaku05

  • Wishes Loki : castlevania-loshadow16, castlevania-aosorrow14, castlevania-loshadow18, revil-leon01, castlevania-aosorrow16, castlevania-sotnight02, jjbadventure-hftfuture07, castlevania-sotnight03, ddaddy-charactersof11, revil-leon02, jjbadventure-hftfuture11

    Wishes Yujing : castlevania-aosorrow17, hades-animatedtrailer03, castlevania-aosorrow20, jjbadventure-hftfuture18, castlevania-loshadow19, castlevania-loshadow20, ddaddy-charactersof12, revil-leon03, ffantasyvii-sephiroth02, tarcana-muriel01, ffantasyvii-sephiroth03, tnchi-akira01, revil-leon05, ddaddy-charactersof13, bloodstained-rofnight02, bloodstained-rofnight03, svalley-charactersof01

  • Deck Release (2024-12-02): fate-nero01, fate-nero02, fate-tamamo01, fate-tamamo02, tlozelda-alttpast01, tlozelda-alttpast02, tovesperia-estelle14, tovesperia-estelle20, soseasons-pootown13, soseasons-pootown12, bdream-misaki01, bdream-misaki12, ffantasyix-vivi01, ffantasyix-vivi02, dmurder-koujaku01, dmurder-koujaku02, llive-setsuna20, llive-setsuna17, ffantasyxv-farewell15, ffantasyxv-farewell06

  • Deck Release (2024-12-02): ffantasyxiv-cahciua01, ffantasyxiv-cahciua20, ffantasyxv-farewell01, ffantasyxv-farewell20, ffantasyiv3dr01, ffantasyiv3dr20, ffantasyix-vivi01, ffantasyix-vivi20, soseasons-pootown01, soseasons-pootown20, mechat-enzo10, tovesperia-estelle10, fate-sropening110, bdream-himari10, lolegends-jinx10, dmurder-koujaku10, bdream-misaki10, honkai-seele10, honkai-su10, tlozelda-alttpast10

    Themed Deck Release: sq-1stanniversary12, sq-favoritefemalecharacter12

    Event Cards (1st December 2024): ec-december2024, ec-850decks

    Wishes Loki : dage-wardens15, dlovers-ayato02, ffantasyxiv-hwtrailer202, dage-magenpc19, ladeepspace-sylus04, harvestella02, ffantasyxiv-sbtrailer102, harvestella03, ffantasyxiv-sbtrailer103, wowarcraft-legiontrailer04, dlovers-ayato03

    Wishes Yujing : dlovers-ayato04, ffantasyxiv-hermes17, ffantasyxiv-hermes19, ladeepspace-xavier15, wowarcraft-legiontrailer05, dage-romances15, ladeepspace-xavier19, wowarcraft-legiontrailer06, dlovers-ayato07, ffantasyxiv-jullus15, harvestella05, greedfall-kurt02, harvestella07, ladeepspace-sylus05, dage-wardens17, ffantasyxiv-urianger10, ladeepspace-sylus07

    Extra Pulls (Garrus Vakarian): ffantasyxv-farewell11, ffantasyiv3dr11

  • Deck Release (2024-12-02): ffantasyxiv-cahciua10, ffantasyxiv-cahciua11, fate-sropening110, fate-sropening111, bdream-himari10, bdream-himari11, lolegends-jinx10, lolegends-jinx11, bdream-misaki10, bdream-misaki11, fate-nero10, fate-nero11, honkai-seele10, honkai-seele11, fate-tamamo10, fate-tamamo11, tlozelda-alttpast10, honkai-su11, soseasons-pootown10, llive-setsuna11

    Wishes Loki : smite-aphrodite08, twonderland-kalim02, twonderland-kalim04, bloodborne05, ffantasyx-abesvsduggles04, lolegends-teemo18, smite-aphrodite20, ffantasyvii-yuffie19, ffantasyx-abesvsduggles17, bloodborne13, lolegends-teemo20

    Wishes Yujing : smite-aphrodite11, twonderland-kalim07, ffantasyx-abesvsduggles11, smite-aphrodite12, ladeepspace-xavier07, ladeepspace-sylus02, ffantasyx-abesvsduggles16, bloodborne07, ffantasyvii-yuffie01, lolegends-lux05, bloodborne08, twonderland-kalim09, ladeepspace-xavier10, ladeepspace-sylus04, atelier-roronaaoarland17, atelier-roronaaoarland19, ffantasyvii-yuffie02

  • Deck Release (2024-12-02): dmurder-koujaku01, dmurder-koujaku02, fate-nero03, fate-nero04, fate-sropening105, fate-sropening106, fate-tamamo07, fate-tamamo08, ffantasyix-vivi09, ffantasyix-vivi10, ffantasyxiv-cahciua11, ffantasyxiv-cahciua12, ffantasyxv-farewell13, ffantasyxv-farewell14, honkai-seele15, honkai-seele16, soseasons-pootown17, soseasons-pootown18, bdream-misaki19, bdream-misaki20

    Wishes Loki : gimpact-nahida15, ffantasyxiv-cahciua01, ffantasyxv-farewell01, ffantasyxiv-meteion15, ffantasyxiv-meteion16, ffantasyxiv-meteion17, gimpact-barbara03, ffantasyxiv-koana06, ffantasyxiv-cahciua02, ffantasyxiv-koana05, ffantasyxiv-cahciua03

    Wishes Yujing : ffantasyxiv-cahciua05, ffantasyxiv-meteion18, ffantasyxiv-meteion19, gimpact-barbara04, gimpact-shinobu17, ffantasyxiv-cahciua06, ffantasyxiv-koana09, gimpact-nahida17, gimpact-barbara06, gimpact-shinobu15, gimpact-barbara05, ffantasyxiv-koana07, ffantasyxiv-meteion20, ffantasyxiv-koana08, gimpact-nahida18, gimpact-shinobu12, ffantasyxiv-cahciua07

  • Deck Release (2024-12-02): ffantasyxiv-cahciua20, ffantasyxiv-cahciua19, ffantasyxv-farewell01, ffantasyxv-farewell02, bdream-himari03, bdream-himari04, lolegends-jinx05, lolegends-jinx06, dmurder-koujaku07, dmurder-koujaku08, bdream-misaki09, bdream-misaki10, fate-nero11, fate-nero12, honkai-seele13, honkai-seele14, llive-setsuna15, llive-setsuna19, honkai-su20, fate-tamamo18, sq-1stanniversary11, sq-1stanniversary16, sq-favoritefemalecharacter16, sq-favoritefemalecharacter17

    Wishes Loki : bdefault02, ffantasyxiv-graha18, ffantasyxiv-hwtrailer101, ffantasyxiv-erenville18, ffantasyxiv-estinien04, ffantasyxiv-venat07, ffantasyxiv-hwtrailer102, ffantasyxiv-erenville19, ffantasyxiv-graha19, ffantasyxiv-venat08, ffantasyxiv-estinien09

    Wishes Yujing : ffantasyxiv-venat11, ffantasyxiv-hermes03, ffantasyxiv-estinien13, ffantasyxiv-erenville01, ffantasyxiv-estinien14, danganronpa-celestia02, ffantasyxiv-gaia08, ffantasyxiv-venat12, ffantasyxiv-gaia09, pokemon-platinum09, ffantasyxiv-graha10, pokemon-platinum10, ffantasyxiv-hermes04, ffantasyxiv-erenville07, bdefault04, ffantasyxiv-graha11, ffantasyxiv-erenville10

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