October 23, 2023 saya 35 Comments
Load Game
Members: | Eden, Hershey, Yujing — Welcome to the TCG! |
Masteries: | too many — Keep up the good work! |
Level Ups: | you guys are unstopable — Good job, congrats! |
Referrals: | Kupo — Thank you for promoting Sidequest TCG! |
Games: | Weekly, Set B, Special |
Ok, I am here, I am sorry we are finally here, this update just brought ten tousand problems to me, especially as in France there started 2 weeks of hollidays and I have kids at home and somehow they think that it's acceptable to be really loud first thing in the morning (worst then banshees). But we somehow passed all that and we are doing some new work on everything!

Halloween 2023
Click on the banner and it will tell you all there is to be known about this Halloween event that will be running from now till 6th November! So Enjoy everything that is around!
Event Cards
People we reachedf 100 decks

Event Cards (October 23rd, 2023): ec-100decks
Wishing Stars
Kindly take a total max of 2 cards per deck if there are no restrictions indicated.
- Eli — I wish for choice cards spelling WELCOME!
- Selena — I wish for double game rewards from the Weekly set! No need to refresh the rewards page!
- Jessica — I wish for choice cards spelling OCTOBER!
New Releases
Click here for your deck release pulls.
October 16, 2023 saya 36 Comments
Loading Update....
Members: | Jun, Sarah — Welcome to the TCG! |
Masteries: | People you are too fast and too many on this, but gratz — Keep up the good work! |
Level Ups: | too many of you, great job everyone — Good job, congrats! |
Referrals: | Lex — Thank you for promoting Sidequest TCG! |
Games: | Weekly, Be-Weekl A |
So I will again tell you that we will be retrying this next week, with things properly set hopefully it will work! - and yeah I know Bi-Weekly A and B should be long two weeks, but I messed last week so we are back to A and we will keep it there for 2 weeks <<;;
There are some changes in the rewards from the games, I tried to make that every game gives 5 or 10 or 15
First things first - just wanted to point out 10 released decks means 10 cards to get from the new decks (if it's more like 20 then it's 20 cards). For the wishes you can take 2 cards per deck max (if you can take more it will be specified).
From now on I will just put if there was a new member because my god you guys are fantastic, you are mastering and leveling up like champs, and it makes my heart so happy because of it! I am so glad you guys are enjoying it and finding things to collect, there is so much still to do (thanks Mio for all the deckmaking!)
Now you can go play - again Please if anything is not working as it should do write in the error-chanel on discord and also I will try sending in the rewards for Higher and Lower during next few days, as with the fact I did badly cron job it didnt go autumatic XD
Wishing Stars
Kindly take a total max of 2 cards per deck if there are no restrictions indicated.
- Jamie — I wish for 7 random pack from any deck!
- Cami — I wish for double game rewards from the Weekly set! No need to refresh the rewards page!
- Mysti — I wish for choice cards spelling PREJOIN!
New Releases
Click here for your deck release pulls.